Since I’ve worn glasses since the age of 5, I’m definitely not talking about my eyesight! My vision for Who I Am Communications is to finish writing 6 books sharing powerful practices and principles for conscious co-creation and to promote & publish 3 of them by the end of year 2020.
What IS Conscious Co-Creation & Why Is It Important?
For better or worse, you are constantly co-creating your life circumstances with the Creator of All There Is in your every thought, word and action. Yet, what if you could do so more consciously? What would it be like if you knew, just like you know when you’re thirsty, how to tap into Creator Source to co-create the mental, emotional and financial breakthroughs you deserve? Now imagine if we ALL could consciously co-create the lives we desire on every level?
That would completely eradicate the need to complain or get caught up in power struggles. Yet, because of a loss of faith and a lack of trust from past life experiences, it feels futile to fully commit to co-creating our desires. Facing the shadow of my greatest wounds involving racism, sexism and ageism has allowed me to experienced first-hand the power of conscious co-creation. And over time, these same shadow experiences have transformed into my greatest gifts that I’m committed to sharing now.
So far, I’ve published two of the three books listed below. Also, please visit my blog, video channel and podcasts that serve as platforms for promoting my upcoming publications.
Book #1: Afraid of Our Own Shadow: A Manifesto and Guide for Conscious Co-Creation
Published in 2013, AOOS is a 40 page e-book that covers the seven steps to become a better conscious co-creator, the three societal wounds that prevent conscious co-creation, and the four pitfalls and how to avoid them. AOOS can be considered the practical, hands-on, how-to part of Book #3.
Inspired by the death of my mother, POV is MORE than just a 365-Day inspirational calendar. It’s also an astrological planner SPECIFIC to your birthdate that helps you understand YOUR life path and cycles to make better choices using Cardology (a.k.a. The Destiny Cards)- an ancient astrological system hidden in the deck of playing cards. A portion of the POV’s proceeds will go toward the Pushing Daisy Drive, to build an Eco-friendly home/health education center in Antigua, West Indies honor of my mother Daisy’s legacy of service.
Book #3: It’s All G.O.Ø.D.: A Conscious Co-Creator’s Guide to Healing the Effects of White Supremacy
Part memoir, part paradigm shifting guidebook, IAG promises to be my most thought provoking book to date. From today’s vantage point, I had no idea how significant the book title would be back in May 2012, when I first kicked off an IAG 9 Month Countdown campaign.
Books #4-6: Conversations With a Virgin: On Race, Gender and Generations
The last three books are part of the CWV series. This three part series will be a collection of interviews with some of the most radiant, outspoken, heart-centered light beacons of every race, gender, and generation. We’ll not only cover conscious co-creation, but we’ll also delve deeply and openly into the topics of racism, sexism and ageism and whatever else makes its way to the surface.
“Where the Love to Travel, Fundraise and Write–Unite!”
At DeBorah B’s Travel Bug Blog, I not only promote my books, but l also promote fundraisers, share travel stories, and showcase community events, artists and activists in the places I peruse. I love to share my resources and experiences, whether they be connecting with family and friends throughout the US and the Caribbean, or visiting Afro-Latino communities in Mexico, Venezuela, and Peru. Be prepared to “bee” inspired.
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