Happy Birthday Mama Daisy!

Diasy Drive

Dealing With the Death of Daisy

“There will never be another that will love you like your mother.” -Unknown

The King Family Reunion

Happy bEARTHday Mama! You are truly missed. Today, on my mom’s Earthday, we are exactly 49 days shy of it being approximately 2 years since her transition on November 14th. In Pt. 6 of the 10-part series involving serendipitous  events involving the date of Nov. 14th, I mention this discovery.

It’s 49 days (7 weeks) until my mother’s 2 year anniversary, and I ask myself, “how far along am I with my desires of travel writing, book publishing and fundraising, I set out to achieve at the start of the 10 Month Manifest Your Desire Campaign  back on Jan. 14th, 2014?

What Would Daisy Do?

As I reflect on my desires, I can see how I’ve consciously co-created the time and cultivated the conviction to achieve my goals; however, my person hasn’t manifested the money or, more importantly, the mindset to make it a high priority to create the systems and support team necessary to be more effective.

Thanks to Owen McGab Enaohwo, CEO of SweetProcess and Roger James Hamilton, creator of the Genius Test, what I now realize must be my priorities are the three following things:

  • Find your creative genius and a support team, so you can focus your flow on assisting yourself and your team on what you are good at
  • MAKE the time to create the systems, processes and procedures necessary, so that you can outsource certain tasks, leaving more time to pursue your passions
  • Avail yourself of resources, such as Fiverr, that provide inexpensive options for outsourcing work

49 Day Challenge

“You’ve got to pay the cost to be boss.”

Now that Saturn (the planet of responsibility an integrity) has entered the constellation of my Sun Sign Sagittarius, it’s all about receiving the resources to make dreams and desires a direct experience. So, since I want to wear the crown, I have a 49 Day Challenge going down! Starting today, on my mother’s Earthday, until my mother’s 2 year anniversary on November 14th, I plan to rejuvenaterevamp and recommit to my desires in the following ways.

Rejuvenate DeBorah B’s Travel Bug Blog

  • My most important goal is to create a writing schedule and consistently stick to it by planning ahead and creating the proper systems to make this a reality starting November 14th.

Revamp Pubslush Book Funding Campaign

  • Back in October 2015, I launched a crowdfunding campaign on Pubslush for my forthcoming book, Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards. Unfortunately, I didn’t meet my goal on time, so all of the money donated on that platform went back to the donors. My goal is to continue to write 1 hour or more a day on the book and relaunch the campaign on Pubslush in February of next year.

Recommit to Pushing Daisy Drive

  • I have a host of ideas on how to fundraise and inspire people to donate to the Pushing Daisy Drive and most of them include creating informative, inspiring content that motivates people. My goal is to have a plan (as well as processes) in place by Nov. 14th to create a series of videos, audios and Pay What You Want e-books in which the donations will go toward the fund.

Well, with that said, it’s time for me to get busy! And, as Bruno Mars would say, “Don’t believe me just watch.”

About DeBorah

My mission is to motivate myself and other magnetic, melanin aware light beacons to become better conscious co-creators of the life they desire, while removing race, gender and generational blockages on the path to planetary oneness.

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