POV Promo (Pt. 6 of 10)- Blook Part 1 of Ch. 2: The Reclaim Game

POV Monday Promo is a ten-part series leading up to the publication of Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards. POV Monday Promo’s goal is to get the needed feedback and funds to edit, format and publish the printed book through Amazon Pre-Order Sales. The promo will also build a buzz around the book via “blooking” the first 3 Chapters before the e-book launches on  September 26th.

Great News! My book is now available for Pre-Order on Amazon. In Pt. 6 of this series, I’ve posted Part 1 of Ch. 2: The Reclaim Game. Remember, this is the rough draft version, so I  look forward to your feedback! Please post a comment below, on my Who I Communications FB page or contact me directly if you don’t like to leave comments.  Enjoy!

Part 1 of Chapter 2: The Reclaim Game

First rule when dealing with the devil- don’t.” Colonel Madden: [to the rebel leader] From movie, Solo 1996

I have two questions to ask you that I’m almost certain will lead you to ask two questions of your own.

Question #1:

Who or what is the “devil” and how do we all make deals with the devil daily without even knowing it?

The best definition for the devil I’ve ever heard came out of the mouth of Reverend Ike in his famous Gift of Money Seminar.

He states, “The devil is a fallen angel. What does that mean? A thought that has fallen from God…The devil shows us what happens to our thoughts when we let them fall from God. Every thought that we let fall from God becomes a devil and a demon to us.”

So basically, what made the devil or Lucifer “fall” was the thought that there is something, anything, separate from G.O.D.

Question #2:

Who or what is G.O.D. and why have I made the name an acronym?

I know the word God means different things to different people. Some see God as a benevolent and kind Creator, some see God as a cruel and vengeful dictator, some don’t think we should use the word “God” of German/Dutch origin to represent a Higher Power, while others don’t even believe there is a God at all. My use of the term G.O.D. as an acronym relates to this Higher Power as being the Generator, Operator and Destroyer of all that is in existence.

In these three modes, G.O.D starts out as the Generator of life, then the Operator or Organizer/Sustainer of life, and lastly the Destroyer or Transformer of life in order for the new to come out of the old. It’s very simple. In order for a new day to arrive, another must end.

In my e-book, AOOS, I briefly explain how we are all avatars for G.O.D. to experience Itself via Its Creation. In order for this Pure Life Force Energy we call G.O.D. to experience Itself in all aspects of creation, It uses form. It uses US! And sometimes, what came before must be “destroyed” or transformed in some way to make way for a new expression. This aspect of G.O.D. is the one thing that gives that part of us identified with form and being separate from G.O.D. in our perception the most problems in life, just as it did the devil. We resist change and therefore we resist G.O.D.’s natural Generating, Operating and Destroying process. But as you will see, this is also all part of the process as well.

Let me give you an analogy to put things in perspective, because perspective is what we need more than anything. Imagine you’re a newlywed on your honeymoon, enjoying a moonlit night on the balcony of your 5 star villa overlooking the Caribbean sea with your spouse. Then in a instant, you both witness a beautiful falling star in the night sky, making the night even that more special, right? Yes, for you all; however, not for all the beings in that solar system if it happened to have life on it! That night would represent fire and brimstone and an end to life as they knew it! So as you can see from this analogy, everything in life is about perspective.

So here are the two questions I can hear you asking:

Question #1:

Why is it necessary for G.O.D., the Creator of All There Is, to have to experience Itself through It’s creation?

Since my person was created by a Higher Power, I can’t speak for that which created me as to why; however, as a human endowed with the power to co-create life, I would guess it’s similar to why any parent chooses to have children. And not every parent chooses to have children for the same reasons.

Question #2:

Why did the devil or Lucifer (or anyone for that matter) have to fall in the first place?

The more I understand what G.O.D. was up to when creating this simulation game called Life to experience Itself, the more I come to realize that none of this is real. However, it sure does feel real and that’s exactly what we came here to experience.

Just like a video game or a good movie, we desire the experience. The better the movie, the more powerful the villain or the obstacle to overcome. The harder the level of your video game, the sweeter the reward. Tending a garden is a fulfilling thing, yet to nurture and watch a child blossom from an infant into an adult is a challenging, yet even more rewarding, worthwhile experience (at times!).

Looking at things from this perspective, I guess you can say “falling” is part of the game of life and it doesn’t even have to be seen as a bad thing. The sun slowly falls out of the sky each day bringing darkness for a time, but you don’t see anyone crying too hard because they know it will come out tomorrow. However, the moment we forget and believe (I mean truly believe) there is anything separate from G.O.D. in our heart and mind, then we’ve made a deal with “the devil.” Yet, even to think of the devil as separate is a trap. The devil gives us or “tempts” us to make decisions based on what we want from a limited understanding of the evolutionary purpose for life, and G.O.D gives us or “motivates” us to make decisions based on what we need from a more universal understanding. They both give us free will to choose, and they both are necessary-two sides of the same coin called Life.

What the boy in the movie The Matrix tells Neo is true- “none of this is real!” Yet and still, it’s an experience our Higher Self (that part of our being that is connected with G.O.D.’s purpose for our life) chose to have by being incarnated into a body. In the movie The Matrix 2, Neo asks the oracle, “If you already know, how can I make a choice?” She replies, “Because you didn’t come here to make the choice, you’ve already made it. You’re here to try to understand why you made it.”

The Reclaim Game

Every single action you take in your life and every experience you have has meaning and is fulfilling a purpose and it’s the purpose and meaning YOU give it. When we as a collective lost our connection to G.O.D., we also lost the connection and awareness between our higher self and lower self, our conscious mind and our subconscious or super conscious mind. By focusing on understanding what the Creator and our Higher Self were up to before we incarnated here on Earth, we unify this disconnection and thus become enlightened. Enlightened to our whole Self, the unity of our Higher and Lower Self; which, to me, is the true definition of Self-Love. In doing this, you will find that up to that point of enlightenment, there was little of nothing that needed changing-only your perception and perspective about it.

Tony Robbins, world renowned motivational speaker and author of, MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom, mentioned in his book that a few people were actually outraged with the title that suggests that money could be seen as a game. Part of his response is as follows, “…and remember, not all games are frivolous. Games are a reflection of life. Some people sit on the sidelines, and some play to win. How do you play?”

The Reclaim Game measures your skills and ability to stop making daily deals with the devil and to get off that trickster Lucifer’s concept of reality based on separation. In order reclaim your life, aside from having the proper tools, desire and commitment for change, you also have to have the right paradigm. With the right skills, commitment and the right concept of reality, all things are eventually possible. All you have to do is just live your life and love this life knowing it’s all an illusion and a game you chose to play.


POV Promo- Blook Ch. 1- My 2020 Vision (Pt. 5 of 10)

POV Monday Promo is a ten-part series leading up to the publication of Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards. POV Monday Promo’s goal is to get the needed feedback and funds to edit, format and publish the printed book through Amazon Pre-Order Sales. The promo will also build a buzz around the book via “blooking” the first 3 Chapters before the e-book launches on  September 26th.

In Pt. 5 of this series, I’ve posted Ch. 1: My 2020 Vision. I  look forward to your feedback! Please post a comment below, on my Who I Communications FB page or contact me directly if you don’t like to leave comments. Either way, I am thrilled and thankful to be sharing my greatest gifts at a crucial time on this planet. Next week, I go a little deeper in Ch. 2: The Reclaim Game, which will be broken up into 3 parts. Enjoy!

Chapter 1: My 2020 Vision

My mission is to motivate myself and other magnetic, melanin aware light beacons to become better conscious co-creators of the life they desire, while removing race, gender and generational blockages on the path to planetary oneness.

To be a light beacon that is “magnetic and melanin aware,” it doesn’t matter if you are Black or White, female or male, old or young; because, when you honor the feminine and melanin within you, you help to bring yourself and the planet into balance and wholeness, which is so needed at this time of planetary evolution.

What IS Conscious Co-Creation & Why Is It Important?

For better or worse, you are constantly co-creating your life circumstances with the Creator of All There Is in your every thought, word and action. Yet, what if you could do so more consciously? What would it be like if you knew (just like you know when you’re hungry) how to tap into Creator Source to co-create the mental, emotional and financial breakthroughs you know you deserve?

Now imagine if we could ALL consciously co-create the lives we desire on every level. Do you think we would spend so much time complaining or getting into power struggles with others? No! However, because of a loss of faith and a lack of trust, it feels almost impossible or even futile to fully commit to attaining our desires.

This is one of the biggest reasons I’m dedicated to my mission. Facing the shadow of some of my greatest wounds involving racism, sexism and ageism has over time transformed into my greatest gifts, allowing me to delve deep into the unknown to find the truth behind the veil of illusions. If I can inspire just one of you to reclaim all those dreams you’ve allowed life to steal from you, then that makes my work all the more meaningful.

What Exactly IS Your 2020 Vision?

Since I’ve worn glasses since the age of 5, I’m definitely not talking about my eyesight! Aside from striving to be a better living example of the light and change I want to see in the world, my 2020 vision is to finish writing 6 books sharing powerful practices and principles for conscious co-creation and to promote & publish 3 of them by the year 2020.

So far, I’ve finished two of the six books. Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards (POV) is the second completed book toward my six book mission. As a 52 week inspirational guidebook and astrological calendar specific to your birthdate, POV helps you understand your life path and cycles to make better choices using Cardology, an ancient astrological system coined the Destiny Cards by Robert Camp.

The first book, Afraid of Our Own Shadow: A Manifesto and Guide for Conscious Co-Creation (AOOS), was published in 2013. AOOS is a 40 page e-book that covers the seven steps to become a better conscious co-creator, the three societal wounds that prevent conscious co-creation, and the four pitfalls and how to avoid them. AOOS can be considered the practical, hands-on, how-to part of the third and much larger work entitled, It’s All G.O.∅.D.: A Conscious Creator’s Guide to Healing the Effects of White Supremacy (IAG). Part memoir, part paradigm shifting guidebook, IAG promises to be my most thought provoking book to date.

The last three of the six books are part of a series entitled, Conversations With a Virgin: On Race, Gender and Generations. This three part series will be a collection of interviews with some of the most radiant, outspoken, heart-centered light beacons of every race, gender, and generation. We’ll not only cover conscious co-creation, but we’ll also delve deeply and openly into the topics of racism, sexism and ageism and whatever else makes its way to the surface.


POV was inspired by the death of my mother, Daisy Elizabeth King Bellony, who made her transition on Thursday, November 14, 2013 (the same day of the week and year as her mother, exactly 56 years earlier!). On Jan. 14, 2014 of the following year, I started a 10-Month Manifest Your Desires Campaign in her memory. My mission was to encourage, inspire and support others in manifesting their desires by blogging about my 10-month commitment to manifest my desires in honor of my mother. While bestselling author Elizabeth Gilbert , “Ate, Prayed, and Loved” her way through Italy, India and Indonesia, I set out to “Travel Write, Fundraise and Book Publish” my way through those 10 months of the campaign.

Pushing Daisy Drive

A portion of the sales of this book will go toward the Pushing Daisy Drive (Driven By Miss Daisy’s Daughter), which is an on-going, long-term vision to build an eco-friendly home and health educational center in Antigua, West Indies, in honor of my mother’s legacy of service. A world of thanks to you if you have purchased this book! Your support brings me one step closer to manifesting my desire. If you haven’t purchased this book or would like to learn about the seven ways you can support the drive, go to my travel blog.


If you get down and you quarrel everyday, you’re saying prayers to the devils I say.” -Bob Marley

The inspiration for this book title came from my first love back in my college days when he called me out of the blue after not hearing from him in years. He was calling to ask me a favor and what came out of his mouth surprised me, even today when I think of it. He said, “I need the prayers of a virgin.” At that time, I was a little shocked and embarrassed because, I didn’t hold my virginity as a badge of honor, but rather something that alienated me from the rest of society in some unspoken way.  I’ve come a long way since then and part of the reason it’s taken me so long to write my book in the past has had to do with me exposing my “literal” virginity up to age 32. In truth, I’ve always seen virginity as neither good nor bad, however, it’s the values, beliefs and judgments that society projected on me around sexuality that I’ve empathically picked up on and allowed to hinder my full expression. Now that I’ve broken free from all the mental madness, I’m also more free to share my most poetic expressions without concern for what others might think. So, from now on, I’ll be taking Dr. Seuss’ advice to, “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

Eric Pearl, healer and author of The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself  mentions the importance of having triggers in our lives to help us grow. Triggers are topics that bring up strong emotions. I like to use “trigger” words in my book titles that may bring up predetermined ideas in our minds in order for us to address them collectively.

While the word virgin brings up different things for different people, I define virginity as a person who is owning unto themselves and not claimed by anyone.

In the book, The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth, authors Monica Sjoo and Barbara Mor wrote:

“Virgin” meant not married, not belonging to a man-a woman who was “one-in-herself.” The very word derives from a Latin root meaning strength, force, skill; and was later applied to men: virile. Ishtar, Diana, Astarte, Isis were all called virgin, which did not refer to sexual chastity, but sexual independence.

To me, true virginity has less to do with purity based on sexual intercourse and more to do with ownership. We are all “claimed” by certain things whether they be good or bad (a nation, a person or a philosophy), and yet we are also “virgins” in other areas of life experience.

What we put our focus on is our prayer, and when we are “unclaimed” and focused in any area, that is real power. This book will inspire you to reclaim aspects of yourself, and address the importance of the prayers of all virgins to create a vision for tomorrow…today!


For the Writer

Sharing my greatest gifts is my highest experience and expression of LOVE. This heals me in the writing and hopefully inspires and enlightens you in the reading. I’m thankful to not only have the opportunity to channel my poetic inspirations, but to also share my wisdom and knowledge to bring more awareness about Cardology, an ancient and amazingly accurate astrological system, hidden in the ordinary deck of playing cards!

For the Reader

Coined the Destiny Cards by Robert Camp, Cardology is powerful tool that I’ve been graced to learn and it has helped to guide and direct my life for well over 20 years. By helping you become more aware of this ancient astrological system hidden in the deck of playing cards, POV hopes to provide tools for you to become a better conscious co-creator by understanding your life path and cycles to make better choices. You still have to choose. However, I hope this book opens you to a new perspective, a new paradigm, and a new way of looking at the world that inspires you to choose more wisely.

For the World

As with all my books, I hope POV serves as a guide to inspire those who are where I was or who are where I’m going on the path to planetary oneness. I hope POV contributes to a new dialog that helps to shift the current paradigm on how we see the Earth and her inhabitants and brings us closer together. This book wants to assist in creating a world where people take responsibility for their actions and are actually able to do so because of having a higher understanding of how everything is interconnected and especially connected to G.O.D.



DeBorah B’s Travel Bug Blog YouTube Channel 

DeBorah B’s Travel Bug Blog is where the love to travel, fundraise and write- unite! So, when you join the “Beehive Tribe” you have an opportunity view upcoming interviews, features and travels experiences. I plan to be more active in the near future. Click Here To Join

Who I Am Communications Page on GeniusU

As an Entrepreneur, I became a GeniusU Citizen and joined the free social media community. In the near future,  I plan to use my Who I Am Communications Page on GeniusU as another platform to engage followers and to receive feedback.

POV Promo- “Blook” Schedule & “Bee” Poll-en (Pt. 4 of 10)

POV Monday Promo is a ten-part series leading up to the publication of Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards. POV Monday Promo’s goal is to get the needed feedback and funds to edit, format and publish the printed book through Amazon Pre-Order Sales. The promo will also build a buzz around the book via “blooking” the first 3 Chapters before the e-book launches on  September 26th.

In Pt. 4 of this series, I’ve made a MAJOR decision based on the insights I received during Mercury Retrograde-If you can’t beat them, join them! For the longest, I’ve resisted using FB as a platform for polls and lives, yet I’ve recently realized how this has limited me from reaching my tribe and getting the needed feedback to provide a better product. Although I’ve created a new Who I Communications FB page for this,  I still want to invite you to join my Who I Am Communications Page on GeniusU -amazing new social media platform for Entrepreneurs. Starting on August 12th, I begin “blooking” the first 3 Chapters of POV and have posted the schedule below. I really look forward to your feedback! Please participate in the FB poll or POV Survey in preparation for the upcoming “blook.”

I’ve decided to use Facebook as a platform to post polls, FB lives & quotes that inspire, promote and get feedback for my upcoming book Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards. Please take the one question poll about the book title and share with your tribe. Also, here’s the link to take the POV Survey and get 45{c4b71a291f3bf72506dad7630dec5dabc6a952a116f9e82805cefba7d60513e8} off a Destiny Card Report if you haven’t already. Thanks in advance for your feedback!

Post you FB poll Feedback Here!


August 12thChapter 1- My Virgin Vision

August 18thChapter 2- The Reclaim Game (1 of 3)

August 26thChapter 2- The Reclaim Game (2 of 3)

September 2ndChapter 2 The Reclaim Game (3 of 3)

September 9th- Chapter 3 Tools for F.O.O.L.S (1 of 2)

September 16th- Chapter 3 Tools for F.O.O.L.S (2 of 2)


DeBorah B’s Travel Bug Blog YouTube Channel 

DeBorah B’s Travel Bug Blog is where the love to travel, fundraise and write- unite! So, when you join the “Beehive Tribe” you have an opportunity view upcoming interviews, features and travels experiences. I plan to be more active in the near future. Click Here To Join

Who I Am Communications Page on GeniusU

As an Entrepreneur, I became a GeniusU Citizen and joined the free social media community. In the near future,  I plan to use my Who I Am Communications Page on GeniusU as another platform to engage followers and to receive feedback.

Bee Healthy, Wealthy & Wise

BEE Healthy, Wealthy and Wise Series posts every other week on DeBorah “B’s” Travel Bug Blog, sharing resources around health, wealth, and personal growth. Some resources are from friends and affiliates and some are not. However, all have made an impression worth sharing. Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: The resources shared on this blog are made available for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for competent legal or health advice from a licensed professional or practitioner.

BEE Healthy:

Over the course of filming Betrayal, Dr. Tom O’Bryan traveled around the world to interview more than 85 experts on the front lines of autoimmune diseases. His findings are sure to amaze you. When you register to watch the free docuseries July 29th-Aug 6th. you’ll also get a free gift! Register Here

BEE Wealthy:

Roger Hamilton, founder of GeniusU is launching his free 5 day training “Entrepreneur 5.0” on Friday, June 28th. Each day of the the course, a video and a downloadable guide to explain the 5 most important changes coming, and the practical steps for you to take to ensure you’re 2020-ready. Roger tends to over deliver, so hopefully I’ve got you thinking enough to get access to the course. Over 16,000 entrepreneurs have already joined.

Join Us For Free Here

BEE Wise:

Fresh Voices in Astrology’s Mission is support diversity in the astrological community, provide a platform for sharing new and innovative work, and facilitate a space for cross-discipline dialogue among the many astrological approaches we know and love. This 2-day virtual summit August 3-4, 2019 will be hosted by Samuel Reynolds and Eliza Robertson. They will be joined by 12 other gifted astrologers to share insights that will illuminate your connection with the cosmos. Sign Up Here for this amazing opportunity!

POV Promo- Subscribe to the BEEHIVE Tribe! (Pt. 3 of 10)

POV Monday Promo is a ten-part series leading up to the publication of Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards. POV Monday Promo’s goal is to get the needed feedback and funds to edit, format and publish the printed book through Amazon Pre-Order Sales. The promo will also build a buzz around the book via “blooking” the first 3 Chapters before the e-book launches on  September 26th.


In Pt. 3 of this series, I’d like to share what’s coming down the POV promo pike.  This year, I plan to become more active on my YouTube Channel and on GeniusU, an amazing new social media platform for Entrepreneurs that I’m using now that Google+ is no longer active. Learn about some of the ways to bee involved below. I hope you feel inspired to join the “beehive tribe.”

Upcoming Schedule

Starting on August 12th, I will begin posting the first 3 Chapters of Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards.

If you haven’t taken the survey yet, please do! I’d love to get your feedback on the book title and concept so far in order to create a better product, more capable of reaching my audience. If you complete the short survey, you’ll get a discount on a Destiny Card Report with the coupon code given at the end of the survey.

Take The Survey


As an Entrepreneur, I’ve decided to become a GeniusU Citizen and join the free social media community. In the near future,  I plan to use my Who I Am Communications Page on GeniusU as another platform to engage followers and to receive feedback.

To join  Click Here.

DeBorah B’s Travel Bug Blog YouTube Channel 

DeBorah B’s Travel Bug Blog is where the love to travel, fundraise and write unite. So, when you join the “Beehive Tribe” you have a place to share and keep the spirit of the blog alive Click Here To Join


POV Monday Promo- The Story Bee-hind the Title (Pt. 2 of 10)

POV Monday Promo is a ten-part series leading up to the publication of Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards. POV Monday Promo’s goal is to get the needed feedback and funds to edit, format and publish the printed book through Amazon Pre-Order Sales. The promo will also build a buzz around the book via “blooking” the first 3 Chapters before the e-book launches on  Sept. 26th.


In Pt. 2 of this series,  I’d like to share the story behind the book title, Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards. The inspiration for the title came from my first love back in my college days. He called me out of the blue after not hearing from him in years. As always, he was right on time, popping up just when I was going through one of life’s initiations through fire. Hearing his voice was a healing balm. He was calling to ask me a favor and what came out of his mouth surprised me, even today when I think of it.

He said, “I need the prayers of a virgin.” At that time, I was a little shocked and embarrassed because I didn’t hold my virginity as a badge of honor, but rather something that alienated me from the rest of society in some unspoken way.  I’ve come a long way since then and part of the reason it’s taken me so long to write my book has had to do with me exposing my “literal” virginity up to age 32. In truth, I’ve always seen virginity as neither good nor bad; however, it was the values, beliefs and judgments around sexuality that society projected onto me for better or worse that caused the most damage. Now that I’ve broken free from all the mental madness, I’m free to share my views without concern for what others might think around the true meaning behind virginity, which to me has little to do with sexuality and more to do with a person “owning onto themselves,” not claimed by any person or perspective that doesn’t serve their ultimate good. I decided to take Dr. Seuss’ advice when he said, “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” Below is the tentative schedule for the POV Promo. Also,  PLEASE take the survey below so I can get your feedback on the book title and concept so far.


June 10th- POV Monday Promo 10-Part Series Kick-off

Aug. 17th: POV Available for Pre-Order Purchase on Amazon!

Sept. 16th- POV Monday Promo 10-Part Series Ends

Sept. 26th: Release Date for POV E-Book (Mama Daisy’s Earth-day)

Dec 10th: Release Date for POV Print Book (Mama Daisy’s Birth-day)

I know that it’s a pretty ambitious goal, yet for the love of Daisy and sharing my greatest gifts, I plan to push on through to complete the editing and publishing of POV by the current timeline. Whether I meet with success, failure or some combination of the two, I’m glad to be on the journey and I give BIG THANKS for your readership and support.


I’d love to get your feedback on the book basics in order to create a better product, more capable of reaching my audience.  Please complete the short survey and get a discount on a Destiny Card Report with the coupon code given at the end of the survey.

Take The Survey Here!

POV Monday Promo-Let the Survey Begin! (Pt. 1 of 10)

POV Monday Promo is a ten-part series leading up to the publication of Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards. POV Monday Promo’s goal is to get the needed feedback and funds to edit, format and publish the printed book through Amazon Pre-Order Sales. The promo will also build a buzz around the book via “blooking” the first 3 Chapters before the e-book launches on  September 26th.

Let the Survey Bee-gin

I’d like to begin this ten-part series with a survey to get your feedback on the book basics in order to create a better product more capable of reaching my audience.   But first, read the book summary below before you Take The Survey

Book Summary

Inspired by the death of my mother, POV is a 52 week inspirational guidebook and astrological calendar specific to your birthdate that helps you understand your life cycles to make better choices using Cardology, an ancient astrological system coined the Destiny Cards by Robert Camp. This book will be accompanied by a .PDF formatted, 52 Week Calendar Report that reveals your personal daily life cycles using an ancient astrological system hidden in the ordinary deck of playing cards! This fascinating system that has been preserved throughout the ages by the Order of the Magi, is based on a mathematical formula that is NOT founded on divination alone like the more familiar tarot cards. With your accompanying report, you will be able to record your daily influences in the book and use it as a planning guide to make better choices.

Eric Pearl, healer and author of The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself mentions the importance of having triggers in our lives to help us grow. Triggers are topics that bring up strong emotion. I like to use “trigger” words in my book titles that may bring up predetermined ideas in people’s mind in order for us to address them collectively.

“If you get down and you quarrel everyday, you’re saying prayers to the devils I say.” -Bob Marley

While the word virgin brings up different things for different people, I define virginity as a person who is owning unto themselves and not claimed by anyone. To me, true virginity has less to do with purity based on sex and more to do with ownership. We are all “claimed” by certain things whether they be good or bad (a nation, a person or a philosophy), and yet we are also “virgins” in other areas as well.

What we put our focus on is our prayer, and when we are “unclaimed and focused” in any area that is real power. This book will inspire you to reclaim aspects of yourself, and address the importance of the prayers of all virgins to create a vision for tomorrow…today.

A Mother’s Day Message From Mexico

Pushing Daisy Tuesday Tribute is a series of posts promoting the Pushing Daisy Drive (Driven by Miss Daisy’s Daughter). Every episode is a small tribute to my mom Daisy and hopes to share inspirational posts and promotions. It’s also were I acknowledge Daisy Drive Donors and share campaign updates.

May 12th: Touch Down in Teotihuacan

They say the best things in life aren’t planned and that fact is stranger than fiction. I believe both to be true, especially since on Mother’s Day, my journey back to my house sitting gig in Mexico landed me right in the middle of Teotihuacan (The  Place Where Gods Were Created) on a 7♦ and J♥  day in the Destiny Cards System. For those who are not familiar with Cardology, this is significant because my mother was born on a J♥ day!

Happy Belated Mother’s Day To All!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful souls that qualify to hold this title- whether by giving biological birth or by nourishing and nurturing souls literally and/or figuratively. None of us would be here or have survived this long without a mother’s love and support.

Ironically, today brings forth another serendipitous event. May 14th makes it exactly 6 months short of it being exactly 6 years since my mom made herself a memory back on Nov. 14th, 2013. There’s still not a day that goes by that I don’t think about her.

Since six is a number representing karma and things that weren’t settled coming into balance, today makes the perfect “payback day” for me toward my mother.

Listen to “PDD:001-Mother’s Day Interview w/ Raven the Talk Show Maven” on Spreaker.

The Pushing Daisy Drive Podcast

Although I completed the interview four years ago, I never posted it on my blog because I wanted it to be part of the Pushing Daisy Drive Podcast that I could never get off the ground for one reason or other. Well, ever since Bellony’s Bell Has Rung, I understand better than ever that NOW is the time to post it! My goal is to have a podcast every other week.

Listen to “PDD:001-Mother’s Day Interview w/ Raven the Talk Show Maven” on Spreaker.

With a $10 Daisy Drive Donation  you can still receive CFTKT of which I am a contributing author. Careers From the Kitchen Table: Insider Secrets To Starting & Running a Successful Home-Based Business includes 8 hours of downloadable audio and interviews with the likes of Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols and others. (P.S. I’d love your feedback on my story, Writing to Recover From the Loss of My Mother, on pg. 91)

* David King  * William Scott, Jr.  *Janice Donovan  * Isaac Causey * Sharonda Caldwell  * LaVerne Freemon  * Lumumba Corriette  * Cher Hermschulte  *Camara Barbara Knight  * Alzonia Goss * Larry Boykin * Titilayo Tahir * Tex Mason

2020 Book Vision- Monday Promo Push Off

 “Where the Love to Travel, Fundraise and Write- Unite!”

At DeBorah B’s Travel Bug Blog, I not only promote fundraisers, share travel stories, and showcase community events, artists and activists, l also use this platform to promote my 2020 Book Vision

My 2020 Vision

Since I’ve worn glasses since the age of 5, I’m definitely not talking about my eyesight! My vision for Who I Am Communications is to finish writing 6 books sharing powerful practices and principles for conscious co-creation and to promote & publish 3 of them by the year 2020.

What IS Conscious Co-Creation & Why Is It Important?

For better or worse, you are constantly co-creating your life circumstances with the Creator of All There Is in your every thought, word and action. Yet, what if you could do so more consciously? What would it be like if you knew, just like you know when you’re thirsty, how to tap into Creator Source to co-create the mental, emotional and financial breakthroughs you deserve? Now imagine if we ALL could consciously co-create the lives we desire on every level?

That would completely eradicate the need to complain or get caught up in power struggles. Yet, because of a loss of faith and a lack of trust from life experiences, it feels futile to fully commit to co-creating our desires. Facing the shadow of my greatest wounds involving racism, sexism and ageism has allowed me to experienced first-hand the power of conscious co-creation.  And over time, these same shadow experiences have transformed into my greatest gifts that I’m committed to sharing now.

So far, I’ve finished one of the six books, Afraid of Our Own Shadow: A Manifesto and Guide for Conscious Co-Creation. As a 40 pg. e-book, AOOS can be considered the practical, hands-on, how-to part to It’s All G.O.D.: A Conscious Creator’s Guide to Healing the Effects of White Supremacy. Part memoir, part paradigm shifting guidebook, IAG promises to be my most thought provoking book to date. In today’s social climate, I had no idea how significant the book title would be back in 2012, when I first kicked off the IAG 9 Month Countdown campaign that I have since put on hold after my mother died to focus on first publishing Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards

Inspired by the death of my mother, POV is a 52 week inspirational guidebook and astrological calendar specific to your birthdate that helps you understand your life cycles to make better choices using Cardology, an ancient astrological system coined the Destiny Cards by Robert Camp. A portion of the POV’s proceeds will go toward the Pushing Daisy Drive, to build an Eco-friendly home/health education center in Antigua, West Indies in honor of my mother Daisy’s legacy of service.

POV Monday Promo: A Ten Part Series Countdown

POV Monday Promo is a 10-part series that kicks off on June 10th. The campaign’s goal is to raise funds via Amazon pre-order sales in order to edit, format and publish the printed book and to build a buzz around the book via “blooking” the first 3 Chapters before the e-book launches on September 26th.

Here are three ways you can contribute:

  • Purchase & Review: Amazon’s pre-order program allows you to purchase the book before it comes out at a discounted rate, along with other perks that I will make available for early investors who also write a review for the book.
  • Give Feedback: During the 10-part series, I will “re-blook” the first 3 Chapters of POV and generate polls, surveys and contests for the needed feedback before the publishing stage.
  • Share the Love: Whether you share my posts, podcasts, Pinterest pics or Youtube videos, the more the book campaign is buzzing around, the better it bee-comes.

Thanks for your time! Stay tuned for the POV Monday Promo starting June 10th!

Bellony’s Bell Has Rung As Earth Day Has Begun!

The last post I made was on my Mother’s Earthday, just 9 days after having survived hurricane Maria in Dominica. Now, 19 months later on Mother Earth’s Day, I’m renewing my commitment to both! And what better day than on Earth Day, April 22nd, to revamp my commitment to Mamma Earth and Mamma Daisy. Also, the Sun conjuncts Uranus in Taurus for the first time in what will be a 7 year period of major planetary shifts!

My Vipassana Bell Story

Since the time I first started sitting silent Vipassana meditation retreats nearly 20 years ago, I’ve always avoided volunteering to ring the wake up bell at 4:00 a.m. daily. Fortunately for me, a Buddhist nun volunteered to ring the bell for the last course I sat that officially started on April Fools’ Day. But the joke was on me! For the first time ever, the bell was so faint, I could barely hear when she rang it because her building was further away from my room. At first, I wanted to complain and ask the course manager to ask her to ring the bell a little louder and walk a little further so it could be heard a little better. But then I thought, “I don’t even like ringing the bell myself, so I should give the sister a break.” Yet, throughout the duration of the course, the thought kept arising in my mind and I kept letting it pass away. Then, on the very last day, I got the download of what it all symbolized!

Bellony’s Bell and Trump’s Trumpet

As one of G.O.D.’s many angel ambassadors, I volunteered (just like Trump) to be born into a body and to ring my unique bell so that I could assist Mother Earth in awakening humanity at this final hour. It all made sense to take on this task in the heavens before I got here. But then I forgot just how daunting it can be living in an era with so much darkness and density.

“Cunning and wisdom have something in common. Cunning uses knowledge to divide and conquer; while wisdom uses it to bring unity in the community.”  

DeBorah Bellony

Bellony’s Bell is similar to Trump’s Trumpet. There are angels of love and light and there are angels of darkness and destruction. Either way, and by whatever means, G.O.D. uses it all to awaken the masses at this most crucial hour. The Generator, Operator and Destroyer of All That Is has always been in control and the truth of the matter is– It’s ALL G.O.D. Humanity just needs to decide whether it will stay inside the heart space and ascend with Mother Earth or stay outside the heart space and leave this place in disgrace.

“Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe”  


Thanks to the Buddhist nun, I have a better appreciation for how other “earth angels” must feel when I don’t show up wholeheartedly to play the role of an angel of love and light.

At the Vipassana retreat, I was relying on the bell to awaken me, but sometimes I didn’t hear it at all, so I’d miss my morning meditation. This experience helps me to see just how important it is for me to shine my light and to “Ring My Bell” as an act of service to my tribe.

From the word Earth you get–heart, hear and art. How will you hear Mother Earth with your heart to make a new start and then share your greatest gifts with Gaia so your life becomes a work of art?

Trump is playing his role as an angel of darkness and destruction perfectly. He has loudly blown his trumpet issuing the final call to humanity to awaken at this final hour. So what is your call? Or calling rather? Is it to watch the news and complain everyday? Or is it to drop down into the heart space and choose a more constructive way?

  • If you have an instrument of inspiration to play, then NOW is the time to play it.
  • If you have an unnecessary or unwanted load to bear, then NOW is the time to unload it
  • If you have a light in your heart to shine, then NOW is the time to shine it.

My 2020 Vision Revisited

My new vision for Who I Am Communications is to publish 3 books, sharing powerful practices and principles for conscious co-creation by the year 2020. So far, I’ve published Afraid Of Our Own Shadow: A Manifesto and Guide to Conscious Co-Creation and I’m currently working on publishing my second book, Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards.

Inspired by the death of my mother, POV is a 52-week inspirational guidebook and astrological calendar specific to your birthdate that helps you understand your life cycles to make better choices using Cardology, an ancient astrological system coined the Destiny Cards by Robert Camp. A portion of POV’s proceeds will go toward the Pushing Daisy Drive, to build an Eco-friendly home/health education center in Antigua, West Indies in honor of my mother Daisy’s legacy of service.

POV Monday Promo: Revamping & Re-posting a Series

Back in 2017, I posted a 10-part series that was meant to lead up to an Indiegogo crowd fundraiser that never happened post hurricane Maria! Now, I am re-vamping and re-posting the series that officially kicks off on June 10th. The campaign’s new goal is to get the needed feedback and funds to edit, format and publish the printed book through Amazon Pre-Order Sales. The promo will also build a buzz around the book via “blooking” the first 3 Chapters before the e-book launches on September 26th.

Join The Beehive Tribe!

Now, more than ever is the time for me to hum, buzz and ring my bell a little louder and longer than ever before. Thanks for bee-ing here and taking the time to read this article! If you feel inspired to bee a part of my Beehive Tribe, then please Subscribe! Stay tuned for more updates to this blog scheduled for May 4th!