Our Parents: Our Power & Our Path

One of the greatest teachings I received from Zoey Marae, the late great medical intuitive, was that mothers represent our power and fathers represent our path. She used the analogy of a river, with the mother being the body of water and the father being the river bed.

It’s ironic that my mother was born in Antigua where they brag of having 365 beaches for every day of the year and my father was born in Dominica where they brag of having 365 rivers for everyday of the year. Our “mother power” is the amount of water and our “father path” is the ease of flow and direction of the water.

Our Power

What I know to be true about power is that it comes from our spiritual foundation. Contrary to what many believe, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. While I inherited a strong spiritual foundation from my mother, one of her weaknesses was not knowing how to direct her power to manifest her dream of becoming a successful social entrepreneur.

Our Path

What I know to be true about a positive pathway is that it comes from our perception. Contrary to what many believe, how we see ourselves and the world is based on what we perpetually think. My father was MIA most my childhood, so although I’m unaware of him leaving a learning legacy, he did the best he could and left me a lineage to one of the most beautiful places on the planet-Dominica.

“Power without a positive pathway does not lead to happiness.”

Because we inherit our power and our path from our parents, we start off with certain strengths and weaknesses from the get go, but it’s up to us as adults to maximize our strengths and minimize our weaknesses.

Publishing Prayers of a Virgin

When I first started what has now been a seven year journey to publish Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards (POV) both my parents were alive. Just like my mother, my challenges have been around consciously co-creating my life and my living doing what I love as a light beacon, unbought and unbossed. POV has been a real labor of love and points the way for all light beacons to become better conscious co-creators of the life they desire by reclaiming their “virgin mindset.” It also provides a fun, hands-on approach to learning Cardology, an ancient astrological system hidden in the deck of playing cards.

The Million Dollar Question

Now that my power and my path have both passed, in what area and in what manner do I create my own powerful pathways in the world? From today, the date of my mother’s sunrise, Sept. 26th, to POV’s Publication Day, the date of my father’s sunset, Oct. 12th, will prove to be a powerful period for me in declaring my power and my path and it will all take place on Patreon’s platform.

Why POV Was Postponed

Originally POV was going to be published today on my mother’s Earthday; however, after attending a Hay House Writer’s Workshop webinar, I realized I had more revisions to make. The new publication date is scheduled for Oct. 12th, the day my father made his transition, which actually is a much better date astrologically.

Ironically, I made the decision to change the date just when Saturn stationed direct on Sept. 18th! During this 7 year period, I was so focused on my mother since she passed away shortly after I began this project and completely forgot to mention my father passing in the dedication page as well! It’s  become clear to me now that as I declare and reclaim my path as a writer and entrepreneur, I can’t forget to acknowledge my papa, my path.


If you’ve read this far and any of this resonates with you, I invite you to join me on my journey by purchasing the book on pre-order and/or becoming a patron. Thanks for reading!

  • Pre-Order POV by Oct. 12th before the price goes up ($15-25 Savings)
  • Support me on Patreon and take advantage of my Special Offer
  • Receive your Yearly Report and Weekly Calendar Report which are needed to maximize the benefits of POV for FREE as a patron at the “Conscious Co-Creator” tier ($25 Savings).

POV Promo (Pt. 9 of 10)- Blook Part 1 of Ch. 3: Tools for F.O.O.L.S

POV Monday Promo is a ten-part series leading up to the publication of Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards. POV Monday Promo’s goal is to get the needed feedback and funds to edit, format and publish the printed book through Amazon Pre-Order Sales. The promo will also build a buzz around the book via “blooking” the first 3 Chapters before the e-book launches on  September 26th.

SPECIAL OFFER!! On Friday the 13th, I kick off my Patreon Page! If you’d like to support me and Save Big, read the bullets below before Pt. 9 of this series- Part 1 of Ch. 3: Tools for F.O.O.L.S. As always, I  look forward to your feedback! Please post a comment on my Who I Communications FB Page. You can also take a sneak preview of my unfinished Patreon Page and tell me what you think. Enjoy!


  • Pre-Order POV by Sept. 26th before the price goes up ($15-25 Savings)
  • Become a Patron when I kick off my Page w/ a Special Offer & SAVE
  • You will receive your Yearly Report and Weekly Calendar Report which are needed to maximize the benefits of POV for FREE as a patron at the “Conscious Co-Creator” tier ($25 Savings).

Part 1 of Chapter 3: Tools for F.O.O.L.S

Everybody plays the fool sometime. There’s no exceptions to the rule…” -The Main Ingredient 

The Fool Tarot Card is very similar to the Joker Card in the deck of Playing Cards. In the Cardology, the only day of the year designated as the Joker Card is December 31st. It’s the only birthdate that doesn’t have a life path destiny, which means you have to use traditional astrology if you want to find out about the life path of people born on this day. In Robert Camp’s book, Exploring the Little Book of The Seven Thunders, he states:

“The solar value of the Joker is 0. …The solar value of 0 denotes that the Joker is no card at all. Being no card, the Joker is like a fertile field into which any seed may be planted. Thus the Joker can become any card that he or she chooses.”

Why F.O.O.L.S?

“We start as fools and become wise through experience.” -Afrikan proverb

I know you’re probably wondering why is the word F.O.O.L.S. is an acronym? That’s because it stands for, Freeing Ourselves Of Lack Spiritually. In my book AOOS, I explain how spirituality is simply awareness without judgment. When you are aware of what you are up to, eventually and with time, you act in a more spiritual way. Essentially, it’s not what you want, but why you want it and not what you do, but why you do it that makes the biggest difference in your life. I call it being aware of your intentions to bring about better manifestations.

Your S/hero’s Journey-Five Action Steps
The greatest story always told is what mythologist Joseph Campbell is famous for calling the Hero’s Journey (and what I call the S/hero’s Journey). In his work, The Hero With a Thousand Faces, he shares his discovery that the theme of the hero is universal and told in every tradition and culture, even in their sacred texts. Campbell explains the correlation between the prophet’s journey to mankind’s journey this way:

“The godly powers sought and dangerously won are revealed to have been within the heart of the hero all the time. He is “the king’s son” who has come to know who he is and therewith has entered into the exercise of his proper power- “God’s son,” who has learned to know how much that title means. From this point of view the hero is symbolical of that divine creative and redemptive image which is hidden within us all, only waiting to be known and rendered into life.”

I liken the Reclaim Game to the S/hero’s Journey. It’s a journey that takes courage and a level of commitment that grows as we grow in acknowledging and accepting the divinity within us. Before we go deeper into the Destiny Card System, let’s go over what we’ve learned so far by putting it all into five action steps that are helpful on the S/hero’s Journey. Each step has a keyword or phrase to remember when times get hard, as they invariably do.

STEP 1: Embrace the Beginner’s Mind

“The feminine values are the fountain of bliss. Know the masculine, keep to the feminine.” -Laozi

Key: Receptivity

Whether you’re male or female, as you become more receptive to learning and growing, you begin to tap into the power and resourcefulness of the feminine principle. We all know that masculine and feminine are in everything and necessary for life, but more so than being male or female, I’m talking about feminine principles on the journey that allow you to be more successful. Laozi’s quote is powerful because he doesn’t discredit the masculine. In fact, the masculine principle of courage is most important because without it, you never begin the S/hero’s journey, just like without the courageous journey of the male sperm to impregnate the female egg, there would be no life. Yet, it’s the wise and mysterious nine month journey of the feminine that gives birth.

STEP 2: Reset Your Reality to an Afrikan-centered World View

“Equanimity; emotional stability that comes from a balanced mind in situations of gain or loss. The serenity of knowing ones true self at all times. First, through achieving intellectual knowledge and then through direct experience.” -Author Unknown (to Me)

Key: Equanimity

I love the above definition of equanimity because it shows how peace starts in the mind first and then shows up in your reality (over time). It wisely alludes to the fact that it takes time to act on what you intellectually know you need to do. Or to put it another way, it takes courage to do what you know in your heart is right. What helps to strengthen your courage is having the right worldview or asili that allows you to understand that you are not separate from G.O.D., nature or others. I’m calling this an “Afrikan-centered” worldview because it pays tribute to our mother continent and links all mankind as we now know it to a common Afri-kin origin. By resetting your reality to an “Afrikan-centered” worldview, you are reconnecting (at least intellectually) to a universal concept of reality that indigenous people embraced. Prayerfully with time, commitment and courage it becomes your direct experience.

STEP 3: Reclaim Your Virgin Mind

“You can know all of the things that this substance is doing to you, to your health, your life, your family, your community and your society and you are powerless to do anything about it. That’s the definition of addiction.” -Robert Lustig

Key: Commitment to Ending All Addictions

It may be a challenge, but here is where it starts. Remember the last chapter-The Tale of Two Choices? A choice to commit must be made that allows for true personal and spiritual growth to occur. Some of us mistake spiritual practice with spirituality; however, meditating everyday, doing rituals, practicing yoga and even praising G.O.D. doesn’t make you spiritual. You are spiritual when through awareness you are able to recognize when you are at a crossroads situation and you have to make the choice to act based on your old self-image or based on your new self-image of what you want to experience.

STEP 4: Make a Prayer

“Anything that you dwell on, give voice and energy to, or move towards with strong intention, presents itself to the universe as a prayer.” – by Misha McGlown

Key: Align Your Person, Your Purpose, and Your ‘Prayer Power’ with the Creator of All That Is.

This key is actually step number three of the seven steps I share to become a better conscious co-creator in my book AOOS. Let me break this down a bit. Align your Person (which is your new self-image based on what you want to experience), your Purpose (which is what you want to co-create or your intention) and your Prayer Power (which is your attention or what you focus on), with the Creator of All That Is. Your purpose is your intention and what you focus on becomes your prayer or power. You pray to war and drama when you constantly talk about and watch war and drama on the screen. You pray to abundance and harmony when you constantly focus your attention and energy on manifesting a new self-image based on those desires. Now that you have a new commitment to choosing what brings you joy, you can tap into the power within by aligning it with Creator of All That Is.


POV Promo (Pt. 7 of 10)- Blook Part 2 of Ch. 2: The Reclaim Game

POV Monday Promo is a ten-part series leading up to the publication of Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards. POV Monday Promo’s goal is to get the needed feedback and funds to edit, format and publish the printed book through Amazon Pre-Order Sales. The promo will also build a buzz around the book via “blooking” the first 3 Chapters before the e-book launches on  September 26th.

Here’s Part 2 of Ch. 2: The Reclaim Game. I hope you enjoyed Part 1. As a reminder, my book is now available for Pre-Order on Amazon! I  look forward to your feedback! Please post a comment below, on my Who I Communications FB page or contact me directly if you don’t like to leave comments.  Enjoy!

Part 2 of Chapter 2: The Reclaim Game

Reclaiming Your Afrikan Mind- A Tribute and Paradigm Shift

Why in the world can’t everybody recognize that Africa’s in everybody? We all ask why can’t we be sisters and brothers, but first we gotta accept who is our mother, rather embrace her…” -Arrested Development [Africa’s Inside Me]

In the book, The Real Eve: Modern Man’s Journey Out of Africa, scientist Stephen Oppenheimer studied mitochondrial DNA and traced the origins of the human race back to one female in Afrika several million years ago. Today, many can agree that mankind as we now know it originated on the continent of Afrika. Many can also agree that a lot of the gold, diamonds and natural and human resources used to propel the industrial revolution, also came from Afrika.

However, what many don’t seem to agree on is that when the gods first walked the earth, it was done so here, in the cradle of civilization. We don’t seem to agree that the earliest and longest running dynasty on earth also has its origins on the continent of Afrika.

Whether you agree or not with any of these statements, the question still remains, “Why don’t we respect our mother, the continent of Afrika?” A perfect example of this disrespect is how we’ve even taken Egypt out of the continent, calling it the Middle East, when if you look on any map, common sense would tell you different. To make matters even more interesting, according to author Robert Bauval, leading Egyptologist and co-author of Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt, all research points to Egypt’s cultural legacy originating from a Black Sub-Saharan race coming from the Tibesti mountains in northern Chad some 12,500 years ago.

So, if Afrika is our mother, why do we continue to abuse and rape her of her natural resources? And why do her people, the genetic, indigenous cultural bearers of the original program for mankind, live in some of the worst conditions in the world? Why is there is a direct correlation to the more natural resources an Afrikan country has, the more the people suffer from outside influenced (and often instigated) civil unrest, resulting in man made poverty her children must bear?


At this point, some of you may be wondering why am I spelling Africa with a “k” instead of a “c.” In his book, From Plan to Planet Life Studies: The Need for Afrikan Minds and Institutions, poet and writer Haki Madhubuti explains how most vernacular or traditional languages on the continent spell Africa with a “k,” and it wasn’t until Europeans, particularly the Portuguese and British, polluted Afrikan languages by substituting ‘c’ whenever they saw ‘k’ or heard the ‘k’ sound.

However, my main reason for taking poetic license to spell Africa with a “k” is so that it represetns the “k” in mankind, symbolizing where all of mankind as we now know it originated. So in this spelling,  we are all Afrikans or Afri-kin, to be exact.

History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” – Winston S. Churchill

I can hear some of you saying, “Why dwell in history and get stuck in story? The past is the past and we have evolved.” However, that is because the damage has already been done, and the lie has already become the truth in the minds of many about Afrika’s his-tory and her greatest contributions. The best answer to this question can be found in the words of the late psychologist, Dr. Amos Wilson in his book, The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness: Eurocentric History, Psychiatry and the Politics of White Supremacy. He used the analogy that if a doctor was about to see a patient and had the wrong client history, then it would make all the difference in the world in how they “treated” their patient. His-story is exactly what we have today in regards to Afrika- the conqueror’s version of historical events.

When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said ‘Let us pray.’ We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.” -Desmond Tutu

I know some of us can’t see past the current day tribalism and mass killings in places like Rwanda and the Congo, and associate the continent of Afrika with pure evil, greed and paganism. But all you have to do is go back further to a time when Afrikan people had the land’s resources and Europeans had their version of the bible. Now Europeans have the land’s resources and Afrikans have their bible and yet and still, no real justice or prosperity for the majority of her people is in view. When you read books like How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney, you begin to see his-story from another perspective, from the unpopular truth of the conquered.

Now let’s be realistic, evil or as I stated earlier, ‘the devil’- thinking there is anything separate from G.O.D., has been around since the beginning and Afrika is no stranger to it. In fact, in my opinion, it was the reason for Afrika’s ultimate downfall, which I’ll discuss more extensively in my forthcoming book, It’s All G.O.Ø.D.: A Conscious Co-Creator’s Guide for Healing the Effects of White Supremacy. However, that is for another day.

What I want to emphasize today is how Afrika is one of the first places that established in their cultural practices and paradigm, a world view or what anthropologist, Dr. Marimba Ani, calls an asili (I will get more into her work in a minute) that promotes the concept that we are not separate from nature or from one another.

By reclaiming my Afrikan mind, it’s my way of not only giving thanks for her contributions to civilization, but to also pay tribute for the natural and human resources that were used to propel the industrial revolution that allows me to enjoy the life I live today. It’s my way of acknowledging that in Afrika, there still exists a powerful system of cultural retentions that can help bring us back to the understanding that we are all one.

When you reclaim your Afrikan mind, you are just affirming the undeniable truth that we all originated from Afrika and these same people of Afrikan origin had a worldview based on a concept of reality very different from the current European-centered world view that has now come to dominate and is at the root of mankind’s choices that are causing Mother Earth to become extinct.


The African world-view, and the world-views of other people who are not of European origin, all appear to have certain themes in common. The universe to which they relate is sacred in origin, is organic, and is a true “cosmos.” -Dr. Marimba Ani

Let’s get back to Dr. Marimba Ani and her classic definitive work, Yurugu: An African-Centered Critique of European Cultural Thought and Behavior. In her work, she takes the liberty to use the Kiswahili word asili meaning origin, essense or seed as a term to serve as a conceptual tool for defining what we would consider a world view. She explains asili this way:

The idea of a seed, the ubiquitous analogical symbol in African philosophical and cosmological explanations, is ideal for our purposes. The idea is that the asili is like a template that carries within it the pattern or archetypal model for cultural development; we might say that it is the DNA of culture. At the same time it embodies the “logic” of the culture. The logic is an explanation of how it works, as well as, the principle of its development.”

In a 1992 lecture, Cleansing Ourselves of European Concepts, Dr. Ani clearly delineates the difference between an Afrikan-centered and European-centered worldview of which I’ve taken the liberties to paraphrase in the graph below:


*Language as Symbolism

* Nature/Complex

* Facts put in context

* We are part and unison with Nature

* Consensus (If we are a community and one, then we can come to a conclusion that represents who we are as a collective. The decision is not as important as the objective of feeling the oneness of the group)


*Language devoid of Meaning

* Logic/Simple

* Just Facts (devil is in the details)

* We are alienated from Nature

* Majority (Objective is being effective- quick and to the point)

Any civilization that destroys the soil, destroys itself. There is an ancient saying– In this handful of soil, is your future. Take care of it and for thousands of years you will have prosperity and wellbeing. Destroy it and you will go with it.” –Vandana Shiva

Let’s be clear, there is no ‘one way’ of reclaiming an Afrikan mindset and there isn’t any set agenda, aside from saving Mother Earth, or to put it more correctly, to save mankind as we now know it from becoming extinct if or when Mother Earth decides to shake us off like a bad habit.

By reclaiming our Afrikan mind, we are paying tribute to our mother and mentally shifting our consensus reality to an Indigenous cultural asili that promotes oneness with one another and the earth, which is so needed at this time of planetary evolution. As you are probably well aware, this doesn’t happen overnight and I’m not talking about creating a utopia based on how it was in the past. Things can be better or worse, but not the same.

However, it all starts with remembering we are all one Afri-kin family. We are all divine expressions of G.O.D. experiencing Itself through Its Creation. This understanding starts within yourself first, moving from an intellectual to an experiential level. From there, it spreads out to your immediate family and community, and then it goes outward on a national and global scale.


POV Promo- “Blook” Schedule & “Bee” Poll-en (Pt. 4 of 10)

POV Monday Promo is a ten-part series leading up to the publication of Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards. POV Monday Promo’s goal is to get the needed feedback and funds to edit, format and publish the printed book through Amazon Pre-Order Sales. The promo will also build a buzz around the book via “blooking” the first 3 Chapters before the e-book launches on  September 26th.

In Pt. 4 of this series, I’ve made a MAJOR decision based on the insights I received during Mercury Retrograde-If you can’t beat them, join them! For the longest, I’ve resisted using FB as a platform for polls and lives, yet I’ve recently realized how this has limited me from reaching my tribe and getting the needed feedback to provide a better product. Although I’ve created a new Who I Communications FB page for this,  I still want to invite you to join my Who I Am Communications Page on GeniusU -amazing new social media platform for Entrepreneurs. Starting on August 12th, I begin “blooking” the first 3 Chapters of POV and have posted the schedule below. I really look forward to your feedback! Please participate in the FB poll or POV Survey in preparation for the upcoming “blook.”

I’ve decided to use Facebook as a platform to post polls, FB lives & quotes that inspire, promote and get feedback for my upcoming book Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards. Please take the one question poll about the book title and share with your tribe. Also, here’s the link to take the POV Survey and get 45{c4b71a291f3bf72506dad7630dec5dabc6a952a116f9e82805cefba7d60513e8} off a Destiny Card Report if you haven’t already. Thanks in advance for your feedback!

Post you FB poll Feedback Here!


August 12thChapter 1- My Virgin Vision

August 18thChapter 2- The Reclaim Game (1 of 3)

August 26thChapter 2- The Reclaim Game (2 of 3)

September 2ndChapter 2 The Reclaim Game (3 of 3)

September 9th- Chapter 3 Tools for F.O.O.L.S (1 of 2)

September 16th- Chapter 3 Tools for F.O.O.L.S (2 of 2)


DeBorah B’s Travel Bug Blog YouTube Channel 

DeBorah B’s Travel Bug Blog is where the love to travel, fundraise and write- unite! So, when you join the “Beehive Tribe” you have an opportunity view upcoming interviews, features and travels experiences. I plan to be more active in the near future. Click Here To Join

Who I Am Communications Page on GeniusU

As an Entrepreneur, I became a GeniusU Citizen and joined the free social media community. In the near future,  I plan to use my Who I Am Communications Page on GeniusU as another platform to engage followers and to receive feedback.