POV Monday Promo- The Story Bee-hind the Title (Pt. 2 of 10)

POV Monday Promo is a ten-part series leading up to the publication of Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards. POV Monday Promo’s goal is to get the needed feedback and funds to edit, format and publish the printed book through Amazon Pre-Order Sales. The promo will also build a buzz around the book via “blooking” the first 3 Chapters before the e-book launches on  Sept. 26th.


In Pt. 2 of this series,  I’d like to share the story behind the book title, Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards. The inspiration for the title came from my first love back in my college days. He called me out of the blue after not hearing from him in years. As always, he was right on time, popping up just when I was going through one of life’s initiations through fire. Hearing his voice was a healing balm. He was calling to ask me a favor and what came out of his mouth surprised me, even today when I think of it.

He said, “I need the prayers of a virgin.” At that time, I was a little shocked and embarrassed because I didn’t hold my virginity as a badge of honor, but rather something that alienated me from the rest of society in some unspoken way.  I’ve come a long way since then and part of the reason it’s taken me so long to write my book has had to do with me exposing my “literal” virginity up to age 32. In truth, I’ve always seen virginity as neither good nor bad; however, it was the values, beliefs and judgments around sexuality that society projected onto me for better or worse that caused the most damage. Now that I’ve broken free from all the mental madness, I’m free to share my views without concern for what others might think around the true meaning behind virginity, which to me has little to do with sexuality and more to do with a person “owning onto themselves,” not claimed by any person or perspective that doesn’t serve their ultimate good. I decided to take Dr. Seuss’ advice when he said, “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” Below is the tentative schedule for the POV Promo. Also,  PLEASE take the survey below so I can get your feedback on the book title and concept so far.


June 10th- POV Monday Promo 10-Part Series Kick-off

Aug. 17th: POV Available for Pre-Order Purchase on Amazon!

Sept. 16th- POV Monday Promo 10-Part Series Ends

Sept. 26th: Release Date for POV E-Book (Mama Daisy’s Earth-day)

Dec 10th: Release Date for POV Print Book (Mama Daisy’s Birth-day)

I know that it’s a pretty ambitious goal, yet for the love of Daisy and sharing my greatest gifts, I plan to push on through to complete the editing and publishing of POV by the current timeline. Whether I meet with success, failure or some combination of the two, I’m glad to be on the journey and I give BIG THANKS for your readership and support.


I’d love to get your feedback on the book basics in order to create a better product, more capable of reaching my audience.  Please complete the short survey and get a discount on a Destiny Card Report with the coupon code given at the end of the survey.

Take The Survey Here!

2020 Book Vision- Monday Promo Push Off

 “Where the Love to Travel, Fundraise and Write- Unite!”

At DeBorah B’s Travel Bug Blog, I not only promote fundraisers, share travel stories, and showcase community events, artists and activists, l also use this platform to promote my 2020 Book Vision

My 2020 Vision

Since I’ve worn glasses since the age of 5, I’m definitely not talking about my eyesight! My vision for Who I Am Communications is to finish writing 6 books sharing powerful practices and principles for conscious co-creation and to promote & publish 3 of them by the year 2020.

What IS Conscious Co-Creation & Why Is It Important?

For better or worse, you are constantly co-creating your life circumstances with the Creator of All There Is in your every thought, word and action. Yet, what if you could do so more consciously? What would it be like if you knew, just like you know when you’re thirsty, how to tap into Creator Source to co-create the mental, emotional and financial breakthroughs you deserve? Now imagine if we ALL could consciously co-create the lives we desire on every level?

That would completely eradicate the need to complain or get caught up in power struggles. Yet, because of a loss of faith and a lack of trust from life experiences, it feels futile to fully commit to co-creating our desires. Facing the shadow of my greatest wounds involving racism, sexism and ageism has allowed me to experienced first-hand the power of conscious co-creation.  And over time, these same shadow experiences have transformed into my greatest gifts that I’m committed to sharing now.

So far, I’ve finished one of the six books, Afraid of Our Own Shadow: A Manifesto and Guide for Conscious Co-Creation. As a 40 pg. e-book, AOOS can be considered the practical, hands-on, how-to part to It’s All G.O.D.: A Conscious Creator’s Guide to Healing the Effects of White Supremacy. Part memoir, part paradigm shifting guidebook, IAG promises to be my most thought provoking book to date. In today’s social climate, I had no idea how significant the book title would be back in 2012, when I first kicked off the IAG 9 Month Countdown campaign that I have since put on hold after my mother died to focus on first publishing Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards

Inspired by the death of my mother, POV is a 52 week inspirational guidebook and astrological calendar specific to your birthdate that helps you understand your life cycles to make better choices using Cardology, an ancient astrological system coined the Destiny Cards by Robert Camp. A portion of the POV’s proceeds will go toward the Pushing Daisy Drive, to build an Eco-friendly home/health education center in Antigua, West Indies in honor of my mother Daisy’s legacy of service.

POV Monday Promo: A Ten Part Series Countdown

POV Monday Promo is a 10-part series that kicks off on June 10th. The campaign’s goal is to raise funds via Amazon pre-order sales in order to edit, format and publish the printed book and to build a buzz around the book via “blooking” the first 3 Chapters before the e-book launches on September 26th.

Here are three ways you can contribute:

  • Purchase & Review: Amazon’s pre-order program allows you to purchase the book before it comes out at a discounted rate, along with other perks that I will make available for early investors who also write a review for the book.
  • Give Feedback: During the 10-part series, I will “re-blook” the first 3 Chapters of POV and generate polls, surveys and contests for the needed feedback before the publishing stage.
  • Share the Love: Whether you share my posts, podcasts, Pinterest pics or Youtube videos, the more the book campaign is buzzing around, the better it bee-comes.

Thanks for your time! Stay tuned for the POV Monday Promo starting June 10th!