POV Promo (Pt. 10 of 10)- Blook Part 2 of Ch. 3: Tools for F.O.O.L.S

POV Monday Promo is a ten-part series leading up to the publication of Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards. POV Monday Promo’s goal is to get the needed feedback and funds to edit, format and publish the printed book through Amazon Pre-Order Sales. The promo will also build a buzz around the book via “blooking” the first 3 Chapters before the e-book launches on  September 26th.

IT’S OFFICIAL!! My Patreon Page is complete and so is this ten-part series- but doesn’t have to end here! If you’d like to support me and SAVE BIG, read the bullets below before Pt. 10 of this series- Part 2 of Ch. 3: Tools for F.O.O.L.S. Thanks for reading! I look forward to your feedback. You can also check out my Patreon Page and tell me what you think. Enjoy!


  • Pre-Order POV by Sept. 26th before the price goes up ($15-25 Savings)
  • Become a Patron when I kick off my Page w/ a Special Offer & SAVE
  • You will receive your Yearly Report and Weekly Calendar Report which are needed to maximize the benefits of POV for FREE as a patron at the “Conscious Co-Creator” tier ($25 Savings).

Part 2 of Chapter 3: Tools for F.O.O.L.S

Step 5: Understand Your Life Path and Cycles

“A fool with a tool still remains a fool.”-R. Buckminster Fuller

Key: Making Better Choices

In Cardology, an ancient form of Astrology and Numerology preserved in the ordinary deck of playing cards, each year begins on your birthday and is broken down into seven 52-Day periods. It’s my hope that by better understanding your life path and cycles, you’ll be given the tools to make better choices. Yet, the bottom line is, you still have to choose. And that’s when the S/hero’s Journey really begins!

My Approach

Before I give a more detailed introduction, I want to share with you my approach to Astrology and Cardology. First of all, you are NOT your sign or card. You are a divine reflection of the Creator and inherently capable of creating a life that includes ANYTHING you desire to co-create. Yet, just as the doctor makes the uniform and not the uniform the doctor, so too the person makes the card or sign and not the card or sign the person. You, your Higher Self and the Creator of All That Is agreed on a particular birthdate that was most beneficial for your person to have life experiences and NOT for life experiences to have you. But that is exactly what happens until you become a better conscious co-creator of the life you desire.

Just as a farmer’s knowledge is useless if s/he doesn’t till the soil, plant the seed, and nurture it, so too is the knowledge gained from consultations useless if you don’t apply it in your life, and that is exactly what this book hopes to help you do.

What’s So Important About Understanding Your Life Path and Cycles?

Understanding why you chose a certain life path based on your birthdate brings clarity so that you can capitalize on strengths, minimize weaknesses and tap into the power of who you truly are.

The person on the S/hero’s Journey that has reclaimed their Afrikan/Virginal mindset, is unclaimed by addictions, and has sent a powerful prayer out into the universe by focusing on what they want to consciously co-create with the Creator of All That Is becomes even more powerful when they understand their life path and cycles.

Here’s a simple example of what I’m talking about. Let’s say you don’t know for sure whether your light bill or your phone bill is due this week and you pay the wrong one and your lights get turned off. That can be an inconvenience right? Understanding your life path and cycles to make better choices is so important because it gives you a type of guideline of when certain cosmic bills and paychecks are due. Or more accurately stated, can be due, according to your attitude, your perspective, and your actions. Because one man’s bill can be seen as another man’s paycheck and one woman’s paycheck can be seen as another woman’s bill.

There is no magic here. With the right attitude and commitment, it doesn’t matter what hand you are given if you play your cards right. But first you have to know what the cards are and how to play the game. This leads us to the meat of the method and that is learning about Cardology and how to use this book.

The Destiny Card System- An Introduction

Why This System & Why Now?

Cardology (a.k.a. the Destiny Cards) is said to have originated in Atlantis and has until now been kept hidden by a mystical order. Based on Astrology and Numerology, and preserved in the deck of playing cards, the system is built on a mathematical formula that is NOT founded on divination like the more familiar tarot cards. The Order of the Magi has been responsible for preserving the system throughout the ages. Olney Richmond wrote one of the first books about the system in 1893 entitled The Mystic Test Book or The Magic of the Cards. The system was mostly unheard of until the 1990’s, when Robert Lee Camp, coining the system The Destiny Cards, made it more accessible through his books and software programs.

Cardology is Very Ancient, Yet Very New

Although this system is very ancient, dating back to the time of Atlantis, most people are not as familiar with it as they are astrology and numerology because of its secrecy. The late grand master, Olney Richmond, alleges that the system is mentioned in the Book of Revelations, 10:4, 10 & 11:

“And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write, but I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me ‘Seal up those things uttered by the seven thunders and write them not.’ And I took the little book out of the angel’s hand and devoured it, and to my taste it was sweet as honey; but as soon as I devoured it, it became bitter to my inside. And he said unto me, ‘You must prophecy again before many peoples and nations and tongues and kings.”

What is interesting about this system is that it uses January 1st as the beginning of the year. Many people have criticized this date, associating it with the Gregorian calendar, as I did when I first started. Yet, what most people don’t know is that on December 31st and January 1st our sun is critically influenced by the stars Sirius and Vega. On December 31st, Sirius is at its highest (heliacal rising) overhead at midnight, while Vega is located directly opposite, below the horizon. As Sirius is rising in the east, Vega is setting in the west. The star Vega will be our north star instead of Polaris in approximately 12,000 years. I believe the reason Cardology is relevant and so accurate is because of its connection to these star systems.

Cardology is Unknown, Yet Well Known

Everybody is familiar with a deck of playing cards, which lends to its familiarity, yet hardly anyone is familiar with its mystical past, based on Astrology and an ancient mathematical formula. If I were to put it another way, I would say that every religion has its deeper knowing (i.e. Christianity and the Essenes, Islam and the Sufis, etc,). The Destiny Cards is the deeper knowing of Astrology that many astrologers are not even familiar with. Robert Lee Camp has made this system more accessible to the everyday person through his books, software and unwavering commitment to increase awareness about this accurate and time tested system. Like Robert, I am dedicated to uncloaking the mystery around this system so that everyone can use it in a practical way to understand their life path and cycles to make better choices. Unlike Astrology, Cardology is much easier for the lay person to grasp and immediately start using in their lives in a powerful and practical way.

The Destiny Cards uses your birth date to reveal your personality traits. It also gives insight into your life’s purpose and the challenges you have chosen to work with in your life and relationships. Like Astrology, the Destiny Cards is based on the Earth’s relationship to the Sun, as well as the other planets in our solar system. Note the similarities for yourself.

52 Cards in a Deck 52 Weeks in a Year
4 Suits 4 Seasons
13 Cards in a Suit 13 Moons in a Year
13 Cards in a Suit 13 Weeks in a Season

Also, if you add all the cards in the deck for their numerical value with each Jack, Queen, and King valuing 11, 12, and 13 respectively, you will get 364, with the Joker making 365.

All of these similarities are no coincidence, and neither is the time and day you were born. Our ancient ancestors understood that based on the Creator’s laws, each second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year holds a certain vibration that correlates to the planets and anything initiated during these cycles holds a certain fate or destiny in relation to that planetary alignment. Some may ask, “What about free will? Are we not the masters of our fate?”

Herein lies the irony of the whole system. By understanding the influences that affect you, specific to your date of birth, you are better able to exercise your free will. For example, you may not be able to stop it from raining; however, having knowledge of a coming thunderstorm can lead you to “choose” to carry an umbrella and overcoat.

As I mentioned earlier, the year begins on your birthday in this system and is broken down into seven 52-Day periods that are each ruled by a planet. These seven 52-Day periods are called Planetary Ruling Periods (PRP). You also have Year-Long Influence Cards that are displayed in your yearly spread and change every year based on the mathematical formula the Destiny Card System was built on. Each year, there are potential ‘positive or negative’ aspects, as well as a variety of avenues for the card’s influence to manifest in your life. Only YOU can determine the outcome of how these influences manifest based on your attitude and the choices you make daily. This ultimately leads to more positive options.

Personal Life Cards

Your Personal Life Cards are determined by your date of birth and for the scope of this book, I will be focusing mostly on the Birth Card (BC) and the Planetary Ruling Card (PRC) with a few exceptions. Your Birth Card is what you came here to express and your Planetary Ruling Card is how you express it in the world.

How many Personal Life Cards you have and their significance will be determined based on the day you were born. For example, if you were born on December 31st, the day of the Joker Card, then this system doesn’t work for you; yet if you were born on Oct. 31st, you will have two Planetary Ruling Cards! We will get more into this in the following chapters.


POV Promo (Pt. 9 of 10)- Blook Part 1 of Ch. 3: Tools for F.O.O.L.S

POV Monday Promo is a ten-part series leading up to the publication of Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards. POV Monday Promo’s goal is to get the needed feedback and funds to edit, format and publish the printed book through Amazon Pre-Order Sales. The promo will also build a buzz around the book via “blooking” the first 3 Chapters before the e-book launches on  September 26th.

SPECIAL OFFER!! On Friday the 13th, I kick off my Patreon Page! If you’d like to support me and Save Big, read the bullets below before Pt. 9 of this series- Part 1 of Ch. 3: Tools for F.O.O.L.S. As always, I  look forward to your feedback! Please post a comment on my Who I Communications FB Page. You can also take a sneak preview of my unfinished Patreon Page and tell me what you think. Enjoy!


  • Pre-Order POV by Sept. 26th before the price goes up ($15-25 Savings)
  • Become a Patron when I kick off my Page w/ a Special Offer & SAVE
  • You will receive your Yearly Report and Weekly Calendar Report which are needed to maximize the benefits of POV for FREE as a patron at the “Conscious Co-Creator” tier ($25 Savings).

Part 1 of Chapter 3: Tools for F.O.O.L.S

Everybody plays the fool sometime. There’s no exceptions to the rule…” -The Main Ingredient 

The Fool Tarot Card is very similar to the Joker Card in the deck of Playing Cards. In the Cardology, the only day of the year designated as the Joker Card is December 31st. It’s the only birthdate that doesn’t have a life path destiny, which means you have to use traditional astrology if you want to find out about the life path of people born on this day. In Robert Camp’s book, Exploring the Little Book of The Seven Thunders, he states:

“The solar value of the Joker is 0. …The solar value of 0 denotes that the Joker is no card at all. Being no card, the Joker is like a fertile field into which any seed may be planted. Thus the Joker can become any card that he or she chooses.”

Why F.O.O.L.S?

“We start as fools and become wise through experience.” -Afrikan proverb

I know you’re probably wondering why is the word F.O.O.L.S. is an acronym? That’s because it stands for, Freeing Ourselves Of Lack Spiritually. In my book AOOS, I explain how spirituality is simply awareness without judgment. When you are aware of what you are up to, eventually and with time, you act in a more spiritual way. Essentially, it’s not what you want, but why you want it and not what you do, but why you do it that makes the biggest difference in your life. I call it being aware of your intentions to bring about better manifestations.

Your S/hero’s Journey-Five Action Steps
The greatest story always told is what mythologist Joseph Campbell is famous for calling the Hero’s Journey (and what I call the S/hero’s Journey). In his work, The Hero With a Thousand Faces, he shares his discovery that the theme of the hero is universal and told in every tradition and culture, even in their sacred texts. Campbell explains the correlation between the prophet’s journey to mankind’s journey this way:

“The godly powers sought and dangerously won are revealed to have been within the heart of the hero all the time. He is “the king’s son” who has come to know who he is and therewith has entered into the exercise of his proper power- “God’s son,” who has learned to know how much that title means. From this point of view the hero is symbolical of that divine creative and redemptive image which is hidden within us all, only waiting to be known and rendered into life.”

I liken the Reclaim Game to the S/hero’s Journey. It’s a journey that takes courage and a level of commitment that grows as we grow in acknowledging and accepting the divinity within us. Before we go deeper into the Destiny Card System, let’s go over what we’ve learned so far by putting it all into five action steps that are helpful on the S/hero’s Journey. Each step has a keyword or phrase to remember when times get hard, as they invariably do.

STEP 1: Embrace the Beginner’s Mind

“The feminine values are the fountain of bliss. Know the masculine, keep to the feminine.” -Laozi

Key: Receptivity

Whether you’re male or female, as you become more receptive to learning and growing, you begin to tap into the power and resourcefulness of the feminine principle. We all know that masculine and feminine are in everything and necessary for life, but more so than being male or female, I’m talking about feminine principles on the journey that allow you to be more successful. Laozi’s quote is powerful because he doesn’t discredit the masculine. In fact, the masculine principle of courage is most important because without it, you never begin the S/hero’s journey, just like without the courageous journey of the male sperm to impregnate the female egg, there would be no life. Yet, it’s the wise and mysterious nine month journey of the feminine that gives birth.

STEP 2: Reset Your Reality to an Afrikan-centered World View

“Equanimity; emotional stability that comes from a balanced mind in situations of gain or loss. The serenity of knowing ones true self at all times. First, through achieving intellectual knowledge and then through direct experience.” -Author Unknown (to Me)

Key: Equanimity

I love the above definition of equanimity because it shows how peace starts in the mind first and then shows up in your reality (over time). It wisely alludes to the fact that it takes time to act on what you intellectually know you need to do. Or to put it another way, it takes courage to do what you know in your heart is right. What helps to strengthen your courage is having the right worldview or asili that allows you to understand that you are not separate from G.O.D., nature or others. I’m calling this an “Afrikan-centered” worldview because it pays tribute to our mother continent and links all mankind as we now know it to a common Afri-kin origin. By resetting your reality to an “Afrikan-centered” worldview, you are reconnecting (at least intellectually) to a universal concept of reality that indigenous people embraced. Prayerfully with time, commitment and courage it becomes your direct experience.

STEP 3: Reclaim Your Virgin Mind

“You can know all of the things that this substance is doing to you, to your health, your life, your family, your community and your society and you are powerless to do anything about it. That’s the definition of addiction.” -Robert Lustig

Key: Commitment to Ending All Addictions

It may be a challenge, but here is where it starts. Remember the last chapter-The Tale of Two Choices? A choice to commit must be made that allows for true personal and spiritual growth to occur. Some of us mistake spiritual practice with spirituality; however, meditating everyday, doing rituals, practicing yoga and even praising G.O.D. doesn’t make you spiritual. You are spiritual when through awareness you are able to recognize when you are at a crossroads situation and you have to make the choice to act based on your old self-image or based on your new self-image of what you want to experience.

STEP 4: Make a Prayer

“Anything that you dwell on, give voice and energy to, or move towards with strong intention, presents itself to the universe as a prayer.” – by Misha McGlown

Key: Align Your Person, Your Purpose, and Your ‘Prayer Power’ with the Creator of All That Is.

This key is actually step number three of the seven steps I share to become a better conscious co-creator in my book AOOS. Let me break this down a bit. Align your Person (which is your new self-image based on what you want to experience), your Purpose (which is what you want to co-create or your intention) and your Prayer Power (which is your attention or what you focus on), with the Creator of All That Is. Your purpose is your intention and what you focus on becomes your prayer or power. You pray to war and drama when you constantly talk about and watch war and drama on the screen. You pray to abundance and harmony when you constantly focus your attention and energy on manifesting a new self-image based on those desires. Now that you have a new commitment to choosing what brings you joy, you can tap into the power within by aligning it with Creator of All That Is.
