Coming Full Circle

Bringing Closure to a 25 Yr. Dream in 6 Months

11/11/22 Update & The Next 4/49 Days

on November 11, 2022

Be Careful For What You Ask For!

It’s been a battle of the wills aligning my timeline to G.O.D.’s timeline. Over the past two months, I’ve had to pivot and drop all the dates planned in previous newsletters. Talk about a humbling, nerve racking experience! Yet, at the end of the day, I wouldn’t have it any other way because what G.O.D. plans is always better. Before I share the CFC updates, I want to talk about the next 4 DAYS (Nov. 11-14th) that lead up to the last 49 DAYS to the New Year. They are going to be emotionally INTENSE for me and here’s the reason why.


11/11/21 @ 11 am was the day of my brother’s funeral who passed last year. This is interesting because last year I traveled on Nov. 14th to Palenque, Mexico to stay at an Airbnb for 3 months. Palenque is one of my favorite places. While I was there, something told me to look in my travel log to see exactly when was the last time I visited the Temple of Inscriptions. Guess what? It was on Nov. 11, exactly 11 years ago in 2021!


11/14/13 was the day my mother and my grandmother passed (56 years earlier). And what makes it eerier is that they both made their transition on a Thursday! This year will make 9 YEARS since my mom left this plane and it still feels like yesterday!

Coming Full Circle Updates- Lessons Learned

The main lesson I learned from having to pivot from my original plan is that I was putting way too much pressure on myself to complete the book by what I “thought” should be Jan. 2nd and by my best friend’s birthday on Feb. 20th. Being a solopreneur and having to do everything myself, it was way too unreasonable to keep up with that schedule. I also learned that the perfect NEW publishing date is now June 21st because that was the exact date I had the experience in Palenque in the Temple of the Red Queen in 2006. I’ll talk more about that later, but for now, I am focusing on getting more of the book done and will restart posting around Dec. 21st to Jan. 2nd to make it another official 6 month period (to be continued).

A Special Thanks and “Special” on a Fall Special

As a special thanks for being patient with my creative output, I am offering an additional 20% off my $60 Fall Special. If you would like a PDF copy of my updated book, your Yearly Report, and your Weekly Calendar Report as a holiday bundle, you can use the coupon code “CFC20” on my website until Dec. 21st, the official start of winter and the “restart” of the blog.

Get It Here:


Gone from view, but never forgotten

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