Coming Full Circle

Bringing Closure to a 25 Yr. Dream in 6 Months

Coming Full Circle Update

on August 27, 2023


A Life Saving Question From My Guides

“What would life be like if you had no one to impress, nothing to prove, no book you HAD TO write, and no mailing list to expand and uphold?”

This question couldn’t have come at a better time, as Mercury and Venus are both retrograde and assisting us to RE-think and RE-evaluate what really matters in our lives. When I thought and felt into this question, I realized something I HAD NOT seen before.

Since summer began, it hasn’t been unusual for me to spend 10 hours a day categorizing and making sense of all the astrological downloads I’ve been receiving more frequently. This is on top of trying to do the CFC Blog and complete the third book in the Reluctant Astrologer’s Journey to Revealing the Magi Mysteries Series.

The Truth Is…

It’s MORE important for me to organize the vast amount of astrological information into a comprehensive system than it is for me to complete the rough draft right now and it’s MORE important than upholding the CFC blog schedule. I wasn’t able to see this because my person was too busy feeling guilty for not keeping up with a timeline I thought I needed to uphold. By my guides asking me “What If,” I was able to release all my tension and this allowed me to see what else was possible.

Coming Full Circle Blog To Be Backdated

Instead of constantly revamping the CFC timeline, I’ve decided to publish it after it’s completed and use the current 6-Month Countdown timeline backdated from June 21st to Jan. 1st. I will also repurpose it on Substack in segments when the time comes.

CFC Countdown in Seven Phases

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.”- Shake-speare

If I were to take Shake-speare’s seven ages and break them down into seven planetary phases, there would be two important converging birth dates for this book project. The first birth date is Jan. 2, 1999, when the initial book concept was seeded. The second birth date is June 21, 2006, in the temple of the Red Queen in Palenque, Mexico when the transiting north node was conjunct my natal Pluto at 29 degrees Virgo. Ironically as I write this, transiting Mars is now conjunct my natal Pluto at the same degree.

In the graph below, Jan. 2, 1999, began in the Mercury Phase and June 21, 2006, began in the Mars Phase. Each Planetary Phase has 0-3 (4) Seasons and as you can see, I’m now in the Neptune Phase of this book project. I was trying to complete this book in the Winter/Conception or Spring/Prenatal Season of the Neptune Period. Now I see it will most likely be complete in the Summer/Birth or Fall/Death Season of the Neptune Period.

So What’s Next?

Having this amount of clarity takes a tremendous amount of pressure off of my person and allows me to flow in a way I haven’t been able to in years. With that said, my next step is to focus on the astrological part of this journey. Occasionally, I will post astrological articles on ​Substack​ and keep you posted on any updates. Again, thank you for your patience. I hope during this retrograde season, you gain clarity on what matters most in your life and take self-loving steps to manifest it.

A World of Thanks,


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