Coming Full Circle

Bringing Closure to a 25 Yr. Dream in 6 Months

Womb Wisdom Journal- Aug. Pt. 2

Every MOONday I repost 2012 “Ask Spirit” journal entries grouped by the month. Basically, I ask a question and write down the womb wisdom guidance I receive. To receive weekly updates click here.



I guess my question is how do I know that I am balancing presence with outer purpose? Does the journey just consist of staying present and observing?

My dearest daughter. Life is constantly moving around in you. From the left and right, up and down, and all over the place. Your job is to just let it be. Let it flow. Your other job is to remember Who You Are at all times. Be willing to give it all up at a second’s notice. Be willing to hold on to your truth with all your power. Be willing to be all you can ever be. All there ever was, is, and will be, is LOVE. Yet, to get to this space takes perspective. This perspective comes in time and no time, with kindness and no kindness, with more fear and more love. Eventually, you all remember what it is you are and what you are going back to.

I Love You!

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Womb Wisdom Journal- Aug. Pt. 1

Every MOONday I repost 2012 “Ask Spirit” journal entries grouped by the month. Basically, I ask a question and write down the womb wisdom guidance I receive. To receive weekly updates click here.



Full moon flowers blossom in the yard. As I sweep, I see a pretty red rose sharing its gift with me. The scent, the beauty, is a reflection of me, in all my glory. From deep inside the yard and deep inside myself, the heart of hearts is blossoming and shining its light.

I love you! Know that the love that you are is better by far than anything you can ever be based on negativity. Your blossom is a sweet smell in the garden of life. Never stop looking out into the world to see the grace and the beauty that exists. This is a reflection of you! This can never stop! It’s the reason you incarnated on this planet. Let the joy of life continue forever even in the midst of it all.  You are protected in ways unheard of. Just shine, surrender and commit in cycles and cycles.



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Womb Wisdom Journal- Surprise Guest Post!

Every MOONday I repost 2012 “Ask Spirit” journal entries grouped by the month. Basically, I ask a question and write down the womb wisdom guidance I receive. To receive weekly updates click here.

Tribute To My Mama’s Womb & The Birth of a 24-Year Dream

On Jan. 2nd, 24 years ago, the idea for this book was birthed. Around the same time, I first discovered where my writing gift originated. My mother woke me up early one morning, excited to share what she “downloaded” in her journal. I was so impressed that I typed it up and shared it with a card on her birthday. I originally posted it as In Her Own Words on DeBorah B’s Travel Bug Blog for Black History Month. You’ll see why it’s an appropriate “Womb Wisdom Journal” post for today. I hope you enjoy this tribute written in my mother’s own words.


Summer 2000

We as Blacks of African descent, are people of rhythm. This came out of the rhythm of nature. We are earth people. Our ancestors studied nature by necessity, as a matter of survival. They were nomads. They wandered off at certain times looking for food. Therefore, they were impelled to study the stars, the planets, herbs, and even animals. They developed their so-called sixth sense, their sense of perception.

When the White man of Europe came and invaded our ancestors and sold them as slaves; their culture was stripped from them. They were treated in inhumane ways. They were deprived of their families. They were raped, beaten, and overworked- forced to be traitors to one another. All these negative traits had a negative impact on our ancestors; not only in the US but also abroad. Yet the worst was that here in the Americas, our ancestors were not allowed to practice their religion- ways of culture, etc.

The body is a complicated mystical wonder. It is made up of bones, muscles, organs, nerves, and glands. It also has chemical and electrical components. It is a wonder that man had studied this, a wonder he understands how it is made of what it is made, even the proportions in which it is made. Yet man can not make life. He can sustain it, but he cannot make it. This is the mystical, divine side of man. The life force energy field is in every cell of our being. It flows in us like a river flows. Effortless. We must capture that essence, the Divine Spirit within us.

Until then, will we have peace. Only then, will we forgive. We Must Forgive! We must let go of the hurt of the past, of the anger, of whatever we are holding onto, whether it is conscious or unconscious. We must get back to our nature, to the Earth.

Our ancestors had dances. They were tribal dances. In all of these dances, body movement and rhythm were an integral part. This was a form of expansion. Their bodies were one with nature. Their minds were free. They were able to think and develop strategies. They stimulated the chemical component in their bodies. They did not need drugs!!! Their body chemistry provided them with the so-called “high” or peace that one wants when he turns to drugs.

This wonder, the body, must be functioning just as the Creator intends it to function. That is, we must be able to move our bodies without pain, just as we did when we were children. This is the key to rejuvenation! By moving our body parts with rhythm, sound, and music, we then enhance this spiritual and chemical part of us. Each outer unit is attached to a certain color and this color is to a certain chakra. This is the secret to the healing process.

The female pelvis contains all the secrets of nature. Black women, that of whom the Creator chooses to conceive and carry life and bring life into the universe, are the most important beings. Think of this. Our wombs have been the carriers of our men. Black men. Great men. All kinds of men. Black women, in this aspect, join all women everywhere. Every race, every culture, every creed. We all have this extreme gift from our Creator! Our pelvis is very potent. Use it to get close to God. Use it to unlock the mysteries of life. Powerful Life Force.

So Mote it Be!

Written by, Daisy King-Bellony

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Honoring Cycles of Change

Happy Solstice!

Depending on where you are on the planet, I hope you brought in the Winter or Summer Solstice with much Joy and Contemplation. I wish you and your loved ones a Happy Holy-Day Season!

This Winter Solstice marks my 10th anniversary of embarking on the journey to reveal the Magi Mysteries. It also marks 10 years since the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar Cycle that started in 3114 BC. What I’ve learned about cycles is they usher us into different life phases in ever-evolving (or devolving) spirals.

Spiraling Cycles World Without End

It’s unfortunate mainstream media hyped the completion of a cycle in the Mayan Long Count Calendar as the “ending of the world” because so many people wouldn’t have “thrown out the baby with the bathwater.” We would have been better able to see the signs of the ever-evolving spirals we are currently in.

For instance, 2012 heralded the rare Occultation of Venus when Venus crossed the face of the sun, the second in a pair of transits that happens every 121 years. Taking into consideration Venus’ 8-Year Cycle, we might have also paid more attention to Sergio Magaña’s book 2012-2021: The Dawn of the 6th Sun and been less shocked 8 years later in 2020 when the pandemic broke out. Aug. 11, 3114 BC to Dec. 21, 2012, is a long cycle that didn’t occur overnight and neither will change. Post-pandemic hindsight being 20/20, the challenge for us all is to honor the evolving spirals of transitions in our lives and the world.

New Cycles for CFC

December 21, 2022- The Journey Continues! 

On Nov. 11, I pivoted from Feb. 20, 2023 to June 21, 2023 being the end of the 6-Month Countdown for completing It’s All G.O.O.D: A Conscious Co-Creator’s Guide to Healing the Effects of White Supremacy as a rough draft on Substack and LeanPub. Hindsight being 20/20, the new starting date of Dec. 21st and ending date of June 21st makes perfect sense since Dec. 21, 2012, is when the Magi Mysteries downloads began and June 21, 2006, is when the Amexem Journey began in the Temple of the Red Queen in Palenque, Mexico (more on this in future posts).

Jan. 2, 2023- Weekly Posts Reconvene

Monday, Jan. 2nd marks the Birth-Day of the now 24-Year Dream. On that day, I will post a Womb Wisdom Journal entry and a surprise “blast from the past” guest post. Stay tuned!

Spiraling to Substack

I officially launched Who I Am Communications on Substack in October when I revamped Focal Point New Moon Newsletter and Podcast. I really like Substack and I think you will too! I moved Message to the Masses and Message to the Magi posts to that platform. In Magi Series Mondays, I also started posting segments of the other books in the Reluctant Astrologer’s Journey to Revealing the Magi Mysteries Series.

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Special Extended to Jan. 21st!!

I was informed the checkout page wasn’t working on my website and people were having trouble paying on-line. The problem is now solved and for that reason I am extending the extra 20% off my bundle with the coupon code “CFC20.”

Get the Bundle Here

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11/11/22 Update & The Next 4/49 Days

Be Careful For What You Ask For!

It’s been a battle of the wills aligning my timeline to G.O.D.’s timeline. Over the past two months, I’ve had to pivot and drop all the dates planned in previous newsletters. Talk about a humbling, nerve racking experience! Yet, at the end of the day, I wouldn’t have it any other way because what G.O.D. plans is always better. Before I share the CFC updates, I want to talk about the next 4 DAYS (Nov. 11-14th) that lead up to the last 49 DAYS to the New Year. They are going to be emotionally INTENSE for me and here’s the reason why.


11/11/21 @ 11 am was the day of my brother’s funeral who passed last year. This is interesting because last year I traveled on Nov. 14th to Palenque, Mexico to stay at an Airbnb for 3 months. Palenque is one of my favorite places. While I was there, something told me to look in my travel log to see exactly when was the last time I visited the Temple of Inscriptions. Guess what? It was on Nov. 11, exactly 11 years ago in 2021!


11/14/13 was the day my mother and my grandmother passed (56 years earlier). And what makes it eerier is that they both made their transition on a Thursday! This year will make 9 YEARS since my mom left this plane and it still feels like yesterday!

Coming Full Circle Updates- Lessons Learned

The main lesson I learned from having to pivot from my original plan is that I was putting way too much pressure on myself to complete the book by what I “thought” should be Jan. 2nd and by my best friend’s birthday on Feb. 20th. Being a solopreneur and having to do everything myself, it was way too unreasonable to keep up with that schedule. I also learned that the perfect NEW publishing date is now June 21st because that was the exact date I had the experience in Palenque in the Temple of the Red Queen in 2006. I’ll talk more about that later, but for now, I am focusing on getting more of the book done and will restart posting around Dec. 21st to Jan. 2nd to make it another official 6 month period (to be continued).

A Special Thanks and “Special” on a Fall Special

As a special thanks for being patient with my creative output, I am offering an additional 20% off my $60 Fall Special. If you would like a PDF copy of my updated book, your Yearly Report, and your Weekly Calendar Report as a holiday bundle, you can use the coupon code “CFC20” on my website until Dec. 21st, the official start of winter and the “restart” of the blog.

Get It Here:


Gone from view, but never forgotten

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Womb Wisdom Journal- July Pt. 2

Every MOONday I repost 2012 “Ask Spirit” journal entries grouped by the month. Basically, I ask a question and write down the womb wisdom guidance I receive. To receive weekly updates click here.



I am in love with life. Everything is an opportunity to see the grace of love shine bright. Has slowing all the way down allowed me to correct my aggressive forward path toward my goals?

In principle, you are forever embedded with All That Is. You are a shining little universe within yourself. In practice, life becomes more interesting when you exude this from a place of Self-Love and Self-Sufficiency. It’s what you came here to do. This interchange is what books are made of and monuments are built for. You are releasing any judgment you have about this beautiful process. Every aspect of this process is Bee-U-T-FULL indeed. Everything is G.O.D. It’s All GOOD. Love is to be happy with. When you don’t mind what happens next,  life uses you more and more to be the most perfect vessel you can be.

Loving You Dearly!


Every day is a lesson/observation/experience in staying centered. Even if there is pain and even if there is gain. I’m thankful to be gifted with your love and wisdom. Please share with me what is most needed this day.

Your presence is needed and most of all your smile. It has power that smile of yours. Smile at the joys of life. Smile at the adversities. Smile at the duality showing up as evil and good. Smile at your shortcomings. Smile at your strengths. Smile at how far you’ve come and smile at how far you have to go. Give a big cheesy grin to that one called judgment and salute the warrior within with a grace-filled smile. This is what you need today and you are on your way!

Give Thanks

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Happy Belated World Lion Day (Month)!

Originally a part of DeBorah B’s Travel Bug Blog, Cross-Pollination Pages is where I feature guest posts, events or topics of interest on Fridays. To receive weekly updates click here.

August is the MONTH of the Lion

Celebrating August 10th as World Lion Day started in 2013 to help spread awareness about their growing extinction. In my opinion, the whole month should be dedicated to the Lion and not just because August is partially a Leo month in astrology. Here are some amazing articles to support my theory on August being the month of the lion.

Aug. 11th: The Mexico/Khemet Connection

It’s interesting that World Lion Day falls so close to Aug. 11th. According to Robin Heyworth in his article Teotihuacan: Pyramid of the Sun & The Orion Mystery, Aug. 11th, 3114BC was the beginning of the Fourth Sun in the Mayan “Long Count” calendar. It was also the start of King Menes’s rulership, who was responsible for unifying Upper and Lower Khemet (Egypt). But it doesn’t end there! Apparently, the the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan is aligned to face sunset on Aug. 11th in connection with the 260 Day Mayan Calendar. Heyworth writes, “… its alignment at 15.25 north of true-east, which meant it faced the sunset on the 11th August and the 29th April (of the following year). There are 260 days separating these two sunsets, which equals the number of days in the Sacred-Calendar. The sun then continues north to the Tropic of Cancer and returns 105 days later.”

Another connection between Mexico and Khemet has to do with the fact that the pyramids of Teotihuacan and the pyramids of Giza both reflect the alignment of the three stars of Orion’s Belt (see picture from Heyworth’s article). In ancient myths, the stars of Orion are connected to the star Sirius, which brings home the significance of the 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal.


Aug. 8th: 8/8 The Lion’s Gate Portal

In Giza on August 8th, the heliacal rise of the star Sirius is said to occur. According to many sources, Sirius is the spiritual sun of our sun. Intuitive astrologer Molly McCord does a great job explaining the connection in this video.

More on the Lion’s Gate: Divine Harmony’s Masterclass

On Aug. 7th, In-Depth Astrologer Divine Harmony offered a free Masterclass on the Lion’s Gate to bring balance and ‘harmony’ between the astrological and spiritual community on the validity of the 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal. I was one of over 2,000 people registered for her powerful, information-packed presentation. If you didn’t get a chance to watch it during the free period, you can still purchase the class here. Divine Harmony is a big proponent of the need for NEW MYTHS and one way to create new myths is to honor the old ones. Harmony states, “But actually the ‘new myths’ we need are in part remembrance of the old. Lion’s Gate is just that. It is a bridge between the old and the new- as it has echos of the past as well as particular alignments that are all about RIGHT NOW that have the power to help us course correct our future trajectory.”



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Womb Wisdom Journal- July Entries Pt. 1

Every MOONday I repost 2012 “Ask Spirit” journal entries grouped by the month. Basically, I ask a question and write down the womb wisdom guidance I receive. To receive weekly updates click here.



What form will the book take?

It will take the form of YOU. More important it will follow the work you do on YOU. As the writing takes place, you will be filled with grace and insight, yet you must ignite it. Follow your plan and understand there is no attachment to any woman or man—or plan. There is just the writing and inviting of whatever flows through to you. So, the book takes your shape. It takes your form. The book IS about you. The process and journey you embark on is far greater than anyone who reads or doesn’t read it. They are just experiencing a marvel secondhand. While YOU are the main character experiencing each page with your heart and soul. Give Thanks.


What would you like to see in the book?

I would like to see YOU in this book, without agenda. Head bowed, heart open, and fully self-mastered. I’d like to see your eyes shining with the light of what you know in your heart is possible. I’d like to see a part of you that was once only in “rare form” be the norm. Can you handle that? Does this frighten you or enlighten you? Does it elevate you or does it stagnate you? I’d like to see YOU, the real YOU, shine through in this book onto every page and set your heart free with the light of LOVE! It’s what you were called for and what you came here to do.


What is possible for my person to gain more confidence?

Bee mindful and present. Practice being in your body and seeing with G.O.D.’s eyes. Follow a plan and a ritual that allows for flow to enter as much as possible. Smile, laugh, observe and resend. These four are your foundation. And mindfulness is the house in which you live. Allow it to come to you with ease, grace, and glory. It is already done when you think of it. When you realize and release resistance, you are re-energized and guided back into the reality of who you really are and what you came here to recover. Fear is not an option. This is the time and now is the moment of power. Seize the day and night, bring unity, and then take magic flight.


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Which Book Cover Do You Like Most?

Bee Poll-en are periodic posts to gain useful feedback as a means to profitably publish It’s All G.O.Ø.D.: A Conscious Co-Creator’s Guide to Healing the Effects of White Supremacy. To receive weekly updates click here.


Pretty please with honey on top. Can you view the different book covers below and then take the one question poll? Make sure to look at the photos here first and then choose the corresponding box in the poll. You can choose two options.




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A Message to Myself

On Wednesdays, I repurpose past posts, quotes, and inspirations for the masses. These messages are for the layperson with no astrological background so they can enjoy the read without having to decode any astrological jargon. To receive weekly updates click here.

Sept. 28, 2012

This message is to myself. I’m writing to that part of me that’s played the murderer, the messiah, the masochist, the messenger. The me that’s played the terrorist, the rapist, the racist. The one that’s been the rioter, the revolutionary, the prophet, and the “devil incarnate.”

I’m writing this message for myself. There is no one else I need to refer to because it’s all me. If I can truly see and address MYSELF, then I can address all else- the “other myself” with all my heart. Not only does this give me the “credentials” to do so, it also gives me the needed empathy, insight, and compassion to see myself reflected in all there is.

Yet, as it stands right now- This Ain’t Happening!

So, I’m the healer and spiritual messenger that wants to help. But I’ve got to help myself by seeing myself in everyone else. Just think about it DeBorah. If you look around you in this healer’s role and all you see is sick and wounded people, what does that say about you? Am I sick? Am I wounded? Am I a jealous, backbiting so and so that’s so easy for me to identify in the other? Could it be I’ve come here with a passion to help and care because I have been there or (more accurately) helped to put another “there” in a past life somewhere? Could it be that if I can see others judge and blame, that I’ve done (or am doing) the same? In this life or another, to one degree or other, have I been backbiting and fire igniting?

So today, there is only me in this world. What I see back is a reflection of me. If it’s beautiful. It’s me. If it’s terrible, it’s all me!

And yet, at the same time, how can it all be G.O.D. as well? Maybe I’m just an actress in G.O.D.’s many movies so that ALL of it and NONE of it is me. G.O.D. just needs me to bring the movie to life. But then why would G.O.D. create a production with all this pain and suffering? Given that I’ve been given free will, I guess it’s the same as in life.

The “drama” that goes on during and behind the scene of any production isn’t that of the writer, director, or producer, yet it’s what happens when every actor has been given a mind of their own to express their creative talents. For the writer, director, and producer, the risks are higher using a “real” cast of characters, yet the rewards are far more fulfilling. The Creator’s job is to coordinate the show and keep everyone in harmony, along with his “staff of angels” overseeing every aspect of the production. They are the ones behind the scene cueing the actors with their lines when they forget, hoping they’ll have total recall and regain their confidence and stage presence once again.

Would I ever think that when I go to the movies it’s being created while I watch it? No! The Beginning, middle, and end have already been carefully written and are being played out on a projector of light, caption by caption for my viewing pleasure.

This is a great analogy. G.O.D. the Father is the mastermind behind the whole production and G.O.D. the Mother (mamma matrix)  is the script in every actor’s hand that glues the whole thing together. Written by G.O.D. the father and set into motion by G.O.D. the mother, the “S/hero” or G.O.D. the son/daughter, plays the role of the redeemer and/or destroyer of that which came before.

The reason why G.O.D. loves and accepts every one of us is because G.O.D. knows, we are not the role we are playing and have merely forgotten our lines in the agreement we made to be actors in the many movies of creation.

The reason why “my person” doesn’t love everybody is because it doesn’t know this. My person (that aspect of my essence Self that identifies with form and fear) has an intellectual knowledge of this union but hasn’t made it a habitual, direct experience. Vipassana meditators know this state as equanimity. It’s the emotional stability that comes from a balanced mind in situations of gain or loss and the serenity of knowing one’s true self at all times. First through achieving intellectual knowledge and then through direct experience.

Since when did I get so caught up in my temporary suffering to ever doubt that as I look out, I’m only seeing me? In the child abuser and the cocaine user, it’s still all me. It’s all G.O.D. It’s all fine. And yet, how do I stay in this place of the heart, when looks can be so damned deceiving? How do I live it instead of just talking about it?

What if I imagined that everyone I want to reach and teach and help and assist was assisting me? What if they were the ones making the sacrifice for my remembrance that none of this is real? What if the only thing to get is that I am it? All of it! What if I had no book that I had to write and no audience that had to hear my message? What if going inside myself and touching G.O.D. was enough, without ever having to leave my front yard?

This is why today and always, everything I’m doing and writing and sharing is a message to myself. I have no business doing nada if it’s done with the notion that it needs to be done for the liberation of “others” rather than the joy of expression to “another myself.” And If I have the slightest idea that someone “owes” me anything or that I owe anyone anything for my gift of expression, then I had better come again.

There isn’t anybody here but the One, expressed in the Trinity (Generator, Operator, Destroyer) coming out of the None. The Three, that is the One, born of the None. From nothingness came all of creation and back to nothingness do we all return. Until the next go round!

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