Conscious Co-Creation: Step 6 (Part 1)

Today’s inspiration comes from Chapter 10 of my e-book, Afraid Of Our Own Shadow: A Manifesto and Guide to Conscious Co-Creation. Enjoy!

Manifest Mondays

Chapter 10: Conscious Co-Creation: Step 6

In this chapter, I’ll be sharing the sixth step to Becoming a Conscious Co-Creator and I’ll also have an action step for you at the end.

Step #6:

Use Genuine Remorse to Take You to Zero Point So You Can Powerfully Declare What You No Longer Want.

Before I get started on Step 6, we’ll do another quick review of the steps we’ve already covered:

Step 1: Know Who and What GOD Is

Step 2: Know Your Intrinsic Worth as an Aspect of Divinity

Step 3: Align Your Person, Your Power, and Your Purpose With the Creator of All That Is

Step 4: Allow Old Charge to Come Up Without Resistance

Step 5: Stay Present With Presence-Releasing the Need for Approval and the Need to Impress

As we release old charge, stay present with presence, and heal and open our hearts, we begin to touch into the true motivations for our actions and almost always, feelings of genuine remorse tend to come up. It is at this point, we begin to truly desire something better for this beautiful life we were given to express the glory of G.O.D. As we come to acknowledge that we were incarnated here to experience and express the divinity within us with grace and joy, knowing that our persons have fallen short of our promise, can bring about powerful emotions that can be used to take us to zero point.

So what is zero point and why do I say can be used to take us there? First of all, zero point is the lowest point of existence on a mental, emotional, or physical level that our persons can experience before we push the reset button. In a nutshell, it’s the death and rebirth process of transformation that’s necessary to change our lives. Now, I just want to point out here that our essential nature is guiltless and perfect as it is, and that’s why I say we are only using these emotions and thoughts as a catalyst to propel us to action. Here is where thoughts and emotions can serve a good purpose if we allow them to.

If we allow ourselves to ride these feelings like a wave (or even see it as a movie), we can use the momentum to firmly declare what we no longer want or view as acceptable in our lives. This process is similar to what the Scrooge goes through in the novella A Christmas Carol, when he gets to look into the future and see just how miserable his life will be if he continues on the same path.

In the Ausarian Drama, based on Eygptian or Kemitic mythology, I have always identified with the Shero’s journey that Auset (Isis) goes through to redeem the fallen King Ausar (Osirus) via the birth of their son. This story is the bases for the movie The Lion King that most people are more familiar with. The theme of this touching story essentially is that Auset desired and cared more about awaken the divinity within her, represented by Ausar, than she feared the oppressive system she was under or the unknown journey she was about to take. She desired to see in her life, this awaken divinity, seated on the throne of power more than she did her attachment to material possession, sensual desires or emotional drama.

In order to reach zero point in our lives, we all must have this kind of commitment to kill that which is no longer working and give birth to what is desired based on devotion and courage. Not only is it needed, but absolutely essential to bring into manifestation the next greatest and latest version of who we declare ourselves to Be. You’ve GOT to want it more than fear AND for the right reason. The right reason is that it’s your birthright and what you came here to express as a beautiful aspect of Divinity.

Okay, so with that said, here is your activity for this chapter…

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