Nearing 90 Days in Counting & I Need Your Feedback!

Manifest Desires

This Sunday, August 17, brings us to the last 90 days of the 10-Month Manifest Your Desires Campaign. The other day I was contemplating what activities and posts I’d like to share to go out strong, when I heard a lot of noise in the yard. I looked outside my window and saw a bunch of chickens making so much noise, I was inspired to look up ‘the chicken’ as an animal totem to see what message it had for me. I believe that animals and insects have meaningful messages when they cross our paths. The chicken characteristic that stood out most after reading the significance of it strutting into my life was “balancing patience with action.” I can definitely relate! I’m learning that before I take further action on my projects, it’s important to have patience to check in with myself and my audience.

I Need Your Feedback for My Upcoming Book!

In my last post update, Four Things I’ve Learned in the Last Six Months , I mentioned that I’d  be conducting a survey to get feedback on your biggest challenges around conscious co-creation and for my upcoming book Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards.

Blogging and book writing can be a solitary road, so getting your feedback assists me in writing and sharing what is most needed. In exchange for your feedback on the blog and with the survey,  I’m planning to give away one free spot for my upcoming week-long Conscious Co-Creation Retreat @ The Sanctuary in Puerto Escondido, Mexico, Sept. 19th-26th.

Take the Survey Here

Stay Tuned For Manifest Monday

Starting Monday, I’ll be sharing the activities, posts and projects planned for the last 90 days of the campaign. Once again, your feedback and comments will make a difference in what I produce. So, I look forward to hearing from you. Please make sure to take the survey!

Take the Survey Here

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