Pitfall #4 to Conscious Co-Creation (Part 3)

Today’s inspiration comes from Part 3 of Chapter 9 of my e-book, Afraid Of Our Own Shadow: A Manifesto and Guide to Conscious Co-Creation. Enjoy!

Manifest Mondays

Chapter 9: Pitfall #4 to Conscious Co-Creation (Part 3)

I witnessed one seemingly caring conscious brother, after realizing there would be no throne for him to sit upon in this line of work, become not only bitter, but an opportunist. I mean, even to the point of semi pimping women and hustling that corporate job because as he put it, “Hell, I got bills to pay and all them ignorant pork eating brothers and sisters ain’t worth the hassle.”

I witnessed another conscious sister become spiteful. After just making good love and a good meal for her man, she returned home having forgotten something for work, only to find him in bed with another women. She became so hateful that she didn’t even want to hear anything, much less see anybody talking that conscious stuff!

I witnessed for miles and miles, many conscious brothers and sisters, after the novelty wore off of being in rebellion to their parents, have their house of consciousness flatten by the storm, since, in the first place, they were not build with the psychological foundation that is necessary to change a world paradigm. Having become parents themselves, I watched them all go back to the same religion, philosophies and diets that they talked so negatively about when it was fashionable and drove their parents crazy.

So, that was the first storm, you can say a category 2 for me. The second cycle of change that came around to awaken me was more like a category 5 and I wasn’t hardly as prepared for that one.

It took me awhile to realize it, but I was mad and suffered great heartbreak from my elders. Not my parents or the elders that I thought didn’t know better, but the elders that went around in the community professing to be all knowing and therefore, I thought knew better. No one ever told me, and it would years later before I realized that elders hid behind their broken hearts too, and criticizing the youth for all the problems, was the way they cried, much like anger was the way men cried, of which I’d also find out.

Yet, at the time, it was virtually inconceivable to me that my elders with knowledge or in authority positions would actually sell out and deliberately thwart the youth’s progress for money, a personal agenda, and more accurately (for what I know now), their own broken hearts. I guess you can call my person naïve, but around that age of 21, I had no immunity to the fact that elders that I held in high esteem could say one thing and do another and I became bitter.

Now This is VERY Important:

BECAUSE, I wasn’t aware of my broke heart, this would pave the way for a lot of what I drew to me, in regards to elders constantly letting me down. My mind computer had accepted this reality as the gospel truth and as a result kept churning out more of this faulty reality in my experiences to validate it. The sad part was that because my heart was broke and my person DIDN’T KNOW IT, I was powerless to do anything about it. Powerless from having my 90 percent heart power pierce through this veil of illusion to create another reality.

Yet, like my auntie used to say, “What don’t kill you, makes you stronger.” During this 19 year cycle of inwardly searching and seeming societal scorn, G.O.D and my Higher Self, were gently guiding and getting me ready for what would become my greatest gifts.

This period helped me to gain perspective on why my so-called conscious elders said what they said and did what they did. It gave me the needed motivation to use my gifts to dig deeper, beyond what was commonly accepted knowledge, theory, and perspective, to create my own theory, The Bellony Theory, of which I’ll be sharing in my forthcoming book, It’s All G.O.D: A Conscious Creator’s Guide to Healing the Effects of White Supremecy.

So, with that said, let’s move into my great resource:

Proverbs Chapter 4 v23 says, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” I heard this verse mentioned when I was listening to an interview with Dr. Alex Lloyd, founder of The Healing Codes. He quoted this verse to bring home how science is only now coming to realize how essentially true this ancient proverb is. Dr. Lloyd pointed out that healing lies neither in alternative nor allopathic medicine, and that essentially there is no long term healing without healing our cellular memories and especially the ones that we don’t even know we have!

The resource I want to share with you was founded by another good doctor, Dr. Bradley Nelson, founder of The Body Code. I mention Dr. Nelson here because he developed a fascinating system that uses the power of our bodies to tap into the collective subconscious to locate what he calls trapped emotions AND the power of magnets used along what’s called the governing channel in acupuncture to clear them. These two powerful, yet super simple techniques combined have been meeting with GREAT success. I share this resource because I know just how important it is for us to clear all these barriers and blockages that we don’t even consciously know we have around our hearts in order to step into the 90 percent heart space of potential and power. So that was Pitfall #4 (I told you it was a biggie!). Next, we’ll be covering Step #6.

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