POV Promo (Pt. 6 of 10)- Blook Part 1 of Ch. 2: The Reclaim Game

POV Monday Promo is a ten-part series leading up to the publication of Prayers of a Virgin: 52 Weeks of Poetic Inspiration and Personal Planetary Guidance with the Destiny Cards. POV Monday Promo’s goal is to get the needed feedback and funds to edit, format and publish the printed book through Amazon Pre-Order Sales. The promo will also build a buzz around the book via “blooking” the first 3 Chapters before the e-book launches on  September 26th.

Great News! My book is now available for Pre-Order on Amazon. In Pt. 6 of this series, I’ve posted Part 1 of Ch. 2: The Reclaim Game. Remember, this is the rough draft version, so I  look forward to your feedback! Please post a comment below, on my Who I Communications FB page or contact me directly if you don’t like to leave comments.  Enjoy!

Part 1 of Chapter 2: The Reclaim Game

First rule when dealing with the devil- don’t.” Colonel Madden: [to the rebel leader] From movie, Solo 1996

I have two questions to ask you that I’m almost certain will lead you to ask two questions of your own.

Question #1:

Who or what is the “devil” and how do we all make deals with the devil daily without even knowing it?

The best definition for the devil I’ve ever heard came out of the mouth of Reverend Ike in his famous Gift of Money Seminar.

He states, “The devil is a fallen angel. What does that mean? A thought that has fallen from God…The devil shows us what happens to our thoughts when we let them fall from God. Every thought that we let fall from God becomes a devil and a demon to us.”

So basically, what made the devil or Lucifer “fall” was the thought that there is something, anything, separate from G.O.D.

Question #2:

Who or what is G.O.D. and why have I made the name an acronym?

I know the word God means different things to different people. Some see God as a benevolent and kind Creator, some see God as a cruel and vengeful dictator, some don’t think we should use the word “God” of German/Dutch origin to represent a Higher Power, while others don’t even believe there is a God at all. My use of the term G.O.D. as an acronym relates to this Higher Power as being the Generator, Operator and Destroyer of all that is in existence.

In these three modes, G.O.D starts out as the Generator of life, then the Operator or Organizer/Sustainer of life, and lastly the Destroyer or Transformer of life in order for the new to come out of the old. It’s very simple. In order for a new day to arrive, another must end.

In my e-book, AOOS, I briefly explain how we are all avatars for G.O.D. to experience Itself via Its Creation. In order for this Pure Life Force Energy we call G.O.D. to experience Itself in all aspects of creation, It uses form. It uses US! And sometimes, what came before must be “destroyed” or transformed in some way to make way for a new expression. This aspect of G.O.D. is the one thing that gives that part of us identified with form and being separate from G.O.D. in our perception the most problems in life, just as it did the devil. We resist change and therefore we resist G.O.D.’s natural Generating, Operating and Destroying process. But as you will see, this is also all part of the process as well.

Let me give you an analogy to put things in perspective, because perspective is what we need more than anything. Imagine you’re a newlywed on your honeymoon, enjoying a moonlit night on the balcony of your 5 star villa overlooking the Caribbean sea with your spouse. Then in a instant, you both witness a beautiful falling star in the night sky, making the night even that more special, right? Yes, for you all; however, not for all the beings in that solar system if it happened to have life on it! That night would represent fire and brimstone and an end to life as they knew it! So as you can see from this analogy, everything in life is about perspective.

So here are the two questions I can hear you asking:

Question #1:

Why is it necessary for G.O.D., the Creator of All There Is, to have to experience Itself through It’s creation?

Since my person was created by a Higher Power, I can’t speak for that which created me as to why; however, as a human endowed with the power to co-create life, I would guess it’s similar to why any parent chooses to have children. And not every parent chooses to have children for the same reasons.

Question #2:

Why did the devil or Lucifer (or anyone for that matter) have to fall in the first place?

The more I understand what G.O.D. was up to when creating this simulation game called Life to experience Itself, the more I come to realize that none of this is real. However, it sure does feel real and that’s exactly what we came here to experience.

Just like a video game or a good movie, we desire the experience. The better the movie, the more powerful the villain or the obstacle to overcome. The harder the level of your video game, the sweeter the reward. Tending a garden is a fulfilling thing, yet to nurture and watch a child blossom from an infant into an adult is a challenging, yet even more rewarding, worthwhile experience (at times!).

Looking at things from this perspective, I guess you can say “falling” is part of the game of life and it doesn’t even have to be seen as a bad thing. The sun slowly falls out of the sky each day bringing darkness for a time, but you don’t see anyone crying too hard because they know it will come out tomorrow. However, the moment we forget and believe (I mean truly believe) there is anything separate from G.O.D. in our heart and mind, then we’ve made a deal with “the devil.” Yet, even to think of the devil as separate is a trap. The devil gives us or “tempts” us to make decisions based on what we want from a limited understanding of the evolutionary purpose for life, and G.O.D gives us or “motivates” us to make decisions based on what we need from a more universal understanding. They both give us free will to choose, and they both are necessary-two sides of the same coin called Life.

What the boy in the movie The Matrix tells Neo is true- “none of this is real!” Yet and still, it’s an experience our Higher Self (that part of our being that is connected with G.O.D.’s purpose for our life) chose to have by being incarnated into a body. In the movie The Matrix 2, Neo asks the oracle, “If you already know, how can I make a choice?” She replies, “Because you didn’t come here to make the choice, you’ve already made it. You’re here to try to understand why you made it.”

The Reclaim Game

Every single action you take in your life and every experience you have has meaning and is fulfilling a purpose and it’s the purpose and meaning YOU give it. When we as a collective lost our connection to G.O.D., we also lost the connection and awareness between our higher self and lower self, our conscious mind and our subconscious or super conscious mind. By focusing on understanding what the Creator and our Higher Self were up to before we incarnated here on Earth, we unify this disconnection and thus become enlightened. Enlightened to our whole Self, the unity of our Higher and Lower Self; which, to me, is the true definition of Self-Love. In doing this, you will find that up to that point of enlightenment, there was little of nothing that needed changing-only your perception and perspective about it.

Tony Robbins, world renowned motivational speaker and author of, MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom, mentioned in his book that a few people were actually outraged with the title that suggests that money could be seen as a game. Part of his response is as follows, “…and remember, not all games are frivolous. Games are a reflection of life. Some people sit on the sidelines, and some play to win. How do you play?”

The Reclaim Game measures your skills and ability to stop making daily deals with the devil and to get off that trickster Lucifer’s concept of reality based on separation. In order reclaim your life, aside from having the proper tools, desire and commitment for change, you also have to have the right paradigm. With the right skills, commitment and the right concept of reality, all things are eventually possible. All you have to do is just live your life and love this life knowing it’s all an illusion and a game you chose to play.


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