Conscious Co-Creation: Step 5

Today’s inspiration comes from Chapter 5 of my e-book, Afraid Of Our Own Shadow: A Manifesto and Guide to Conscious Co-Creation. Enjoy!

Manifest Mondays

Chapter 5: Conscious Co-Creation: Step 5
In this chapter, I’ll be sharing the fifth step to Becoming a Conscious Co-Creator and as always, I’ll have an activity for you at the end.

Step #5
Stay Present With Presence, Releasing the Need for Approval and the Need to Impress

Before I get started on Step 5, we’ll do another quick review:
Step 1: Know Who and What GOD Is.
Step 2: Know your Intrinsic Worth as an Aspect of Divinity
Step 3: Align Your Person, Your Power, and Your Purpose With the Creator of All That Is
Step 4: Allow Old Charge to Come Up Without Resistance

When we truly realize that we are an aspect of Divinity experiencing Itself through Its creation, life takes on a totally different tone. There are many reason why in the old paradigm, this knowledge of Who and What God Is and our relationship to Divinity, has been kept hidden from the masses by the societal structures and authorities of the day.

Now, we are birthing a NEW paradigm which is based on revisiting and uncovering the ancient teachings and making them applicable for our current times. With this new consciousness that is flooding the planet comes an exciting and new responsibility. In a lot of ways, it can be seen as our greatest freedom encapsulated in our greatest challenge.

Khalil Gibran, author of the famous book The Prophet is quoted for saying, “Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.” So, what is this great challenge that I speak of? In a nutshell, it’s this:

Seeking Energy From Another Person or Thing Rather Than Godsource

Because we have spent so much time being disconnected to our God source, life on earth has become a place where we struggle (consciously or unconsciously) to gain our energy from another person or thing. Most of us were never even taught that we actually CAN, tap into our inner power as our main source of energy.

Here’s a good analogy:
Did you know that in 1896, Henry Ford built his first automobile to run on pure ethanol, stating it was a cleaner, cheaper, better fuel for automobiles than gasoline? Yet, it was John D. Rockefeller, owner of Standard Oil, who successfully funded lobbyist to push Congress to pass the Prohibition laws that made alcohol illegal and thus began his monopoly of fueling gasoline run cars. If this seems hard to believe, do your own research and you’ll see.

Yet, I only share this to bring home the point that there are and always has been, other positive options for getting our energy, rather than how we were raised to get it from another person or thing. And what do I actually mean by getting energy from another person or thing? Let me break it down.

In the old paradigm, we tell ourselves, “If I can just get someone to love me and that I can truly love, I’ll be alright.” Or, “If I can just get the approval of my peers or impress my boss enough, then I’ll have emotional and financial security.” In the old paradigm, every action is taken with the need for approval or the need to impress. And why do we do this? For one simple reason and that is to gain the energy of another. Because think of it, if we didn’t need the energy of others, would we even bother with the song and dance? No!

In the new paradigm, the goal is to realize that energy comes from connecting to Godsource via the act of loving ourselves. When we embrace our inner family- the inner child, the inner warrior, the inner nurturer, the inner sage and so forth, THEN we are in a position to tap into our Godsource and truly be intimate with another.

Don’t get me wrong. Intimacy with another is a great thing, but we truly can’t be intimate without vulnerability, and vulnerability is the gift we give to another only when we truly love ourselves. The main reason we are afraid to be vulnerable is because if we are and the person doesn’t reciprocate, then our persons feel completely and utterly demolished- that is if we don’t love ourselves enough. Because if we did love ourselves, although it might hurt when love isn’t reciprocated, we still would have a steady stream of love and energy coming from within.

So, how does this all relate to Step 5? In order to explain this fully, I’d like to share another story with you from my personal life:

Back in 2002, my friend Kevin Jackson put on a major conference in Atlanta called The Gathering of Masters of which I helped to coordinate. There were over 15 powerful speakers lined up from, Dick Gregory, Sobonfu Some, Dr. Charles Finch, Dr. Delbert Blair, Hakim Bey, Dr. Phil Valentine, and Dr. Jewel Poolkrum, just to name a few. With all the big names also came some big egos and needless to say, as the coordinator, with only one volunteer, I was stressed out between meeting the needs of the speakers, the vendors, the attendants, and keeping my sanity.

The first day, there wasn’t even time enough for me to even have a lunch break. By the end of the day, I had reached a breaking point and I decided to go completely within as a coping mechanism. I found myself standing in a trance during the last lecture, in a meditation that lasted nearly four hours, long after everybody had left the hall and stopped trying to get me to respond to anything. I lost complete track of time. I ended up going deep into my heart space where it was told to me, “Be present with presence. Release the need for approval and the need to impress.” A deep sense of presence fell over me in that moment and I entered the space of my heart. I began to use the whole conference as my homeopathic pill. I was able to see, through being present, all the ways my actions were done with the need to get the approval of others and my need to impress, AND I began to see how it was all connected to the areas of my life where my inner family wasn’t nurtured.

I began to see just how deep a gap there was within me that wasn’t being fulfilled. I also began to really see the motivations behind some of my actions. Even my actions to serve, while altruistic, also had an edge of wanting to be important and associated with these “masters,” but at the same time being afraid to shine my light. This type of honesty was a hard pill to take, yet in a way it was liberating to see how much the need for approval and the need to impress were ruling my life.

So, when we stay present in the moment, in our bodies, with presence and the intention of seeing how many of our actions are based on us getting energy from another rather than relying on Source- it’s a liberating experience.

As a matter of fact, if you really want to know my truth, I believe if we were to just do this and no other practices, eventually it would free us to become the immortals we were destined to be at this time! Okay, so with that said, here is your activity for this step.

Activity for Step 5:

Task #1
For 5 minutes when you wake up and for 5 minutes before going to bed, when you are eating, when you go to the bathroom, when you are waiting, when you are traveling and whenever else it is possible, just center into your body and feel yourself there in the present moment. Focus on feeling different parts of your body at random from your feet, all the way to your head with complete presence. This exercise helps you to build muscles so you’ll have a better chance of remembering to stay in your own energy field when you are talking to others, especially someone you consider “difficult” or “desirable.” Also, before opening your mouth to speak to anyone take a deep breath and inwardly thank the person for being there.

Task #2
Throughout the day, whenever you find yourself slipping out of the present moment and losing your presence, just say, “Out of all the things I have to do, all the things I love to do and all the things I was destined to do, nothing is more important than what I am doing right now.” Take a deep breath and focus inwardly in your body.

Task #3
I learned this practice from a technique called Access Consciousness, founded by Gary Douglas and I find it to be very useful. It’s based on the premise that most of the thoughts that come into our minds are not even ours. They are part of the collective consciousness and they only become “ours” when we decide to react or identify with them. So as the first line of defense AND healing for the collective, anytime a limiting or fearful thought comes up, ask yourself, “Whose thought is this?” If you get a sense that it isn’t originating from your person, then you say, “Return to sender with loving consciousness attached.” By returning it to the sender, with loving consciousness, you are not only strengthening yourself, but you are also helping to do your part in clearing the collective consciousness as well.

So that was Step #5. Next, we’ll be covering the four (4) pitfalls to Becoming a Conscious Co-Creator and the last pitfall is a biggie!

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