Pitfall #3 to Conscious Co-Creation

Today’s inspiration comes from Chapter 8 of my e-book, Afraid Of Our Own Shadow: A Manifesto and Guide to Conscious Co-Creation. Enjoy!

Manifest Mondays

Chapter 8: Pitfall #3 to Conscious Co-Creation

In this chapter, we’ll be covering the third pitfall to Becoming a Conscious Co-Creator

Pitfall #3

Attempting to Co-Create Without Understanding Your Life Cycles

Okay, here is the part in the book where I’d like to do two things. One is clear the bad rap that astrology has been getting these days in this era of “we can create our own reality” and two is to make a shameless plug for my services. So let’s cover number one.

As a collective, we’ve reached a time in our evolution where many scientific breakthroughs have occurred enabling us to better understand the inner working of our minds, our emotions, our DNA and essentially the world. For some, it’s an empowering experience when they realize they can “rewrite the script” that was given to them from their parents, their society, and now even from their DNA.

For a lot of people, life on earth has been experienced as hell and they just want to change it. Subconsciously and for some consciously, they don’t understand how a loving G.O.D would make them suffer through what they’ve been through as part of a Divine Plan and as a backlash, they’ve come to rely more on science for the answers and the code to rewrite this miserable script. They say, “To hell with astrology and all its predetermined BS. That doesn’t apply to me now because I can rewrite my script.” Or they say, “A new day is dawning, God consciousness is within me, and all of that stuff is obsolete or doesn’t apply.”

Yet, I’m here to say that every single action we take in our lives, every experience we’ve had has meaning and is fulfilling a purpose and it’s the purpose and meaning WE give it.

In the movie “Matrix 2,” Neo asks the oracle, “If you already know, how can I make a choice.” She replies, “Because you didn’t come here to make the choice, you’ve already made it. You’re here to try to understand why you made it.”

When we as a collective lost our connection to Godsource, we also lost the connection and awareness between our Higher Self and Lower Self and our conscious mind and our subconscious mind. Understanding this, it becomes evident, that before wanting to go changing any script, we should focus on healing this disconnection. By focusing on understanding what the Creator and our Higher Self were up to before we incarnated here on earth, we unify this disconnection and thus become enlightened. Enlightened to what, you may ask? Enlightened to your whole Self, the unity of our conscious and subconscious mind, which, to me, is the true definition of Self-Love.

In doing this, we will find that up to that point of enlightenment, there was little of nothing that needed changing-only our perception and perspective about it.

Now some of you may be saying, “That’s nice, but I’m getting my ass kicked from my mate.” Or, “I just lost my job and I have nine mouths to feed.” Or, “I didn’t choose to get molested and raped by someone who says they love me. What do you say to this?”

Well first, I say the words from a B.T. Express song, “Do it. Do it. Do it to your satisfied, whatever it is.” And this could be to agree or disagree, to be angry, a victim, or seek revenge, to search for answers and make amends or ultimately to meet your end. It’s all good, because there will eventually come a time when you’ll be satisfied and move on to the next thing. And in my opinion, this is the best and only way we can ever do it.

Second I say, if circumstances have brought you here where you are reading my words, then there is a part of you, somewhere, that is ready to pay a bill that’s due.

So again, before we go rewriting the default programs that govern our existence, we need to understand and appreciate the great perfection that is already at the core of everything, including ourselves AND our experiences. An unknown author once said, “The journey is the dream. All that goes into the journey makes the dream worthwhile.” G.O.D, getting the chance to experience Itself through It’s creation, is the greatest and grandest Heroes or Shero’s Journey of them all.

Now for number two. Here is where I make a shameless plug for my services.

But first, here’s another analogy. Let’s say you don’t know for sure whether your light bill or your phone bill is due this week and you pay the wrong one and your lights get turned off. That can be an inconvenience right?

Well, the reason why understanding you life cycles to make better choices is so important is because it gives you a type of guideline of when certain cosmic bills AND paychecks are due. Or more accurately, can be due, based on your attitude, your perspective, and your actions. Because one man’s bill can be seen as another man’s paycheck and one woman’s paycheck can be seen as another woman’s bill.

Before I say anything else, I just want to share with you my approach to astrology and the Destiny Card system. First of all, you are NOT your card or sign. You are a divine reflection of the Creator and inherently capable of creating a life that includes ANYTHING you desire to co-create. Yet, just as the doctor makes the uniform and not the uniform the doctor, so too the person makes the card or sign and not the card or sign the person. Understanding why you chose a certain life path based on your birthdate brings clarity so that you can capitalize on strengths, minimize weaknesses and tap into the power of who you truly are.

Also, just as a farmer’s knowledge is useless if she doesn’t till the soil, plant the seed, and nurture it, so too is the knowledge gained from astrological consultations useless if one doesn’t apply it in life.

In the Destiny Cards system (an ancient form of astrology and numerology preserved in the ordinary deck of playing cards), the year begins on your birthday and is broken down into seven 52 day periods.

Each one of these seven periods is ruled by a planet. For instance, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, etc. These periods are the same for every year and are specific to your date of birth. For example, my 52 day Jupiter period starts on May 16th of every year. What I know about Jupiter is that it brings my greatest gifts, so I usually begin business ventures at this time. There is a lot more to this fascinating system, but I won’t go any further here. To learn more, you can go to my website Positive Options so that was Pitfall # 3. Next, we’ll be covering the biggie-Pitfall #4